12:00 AM -First Trip
The racers board the 12:00 AM flight for TAP Flight 228 bound for Lisbon, Portugal that takes off from Miami International Airport. This aircraft takes them unto the first of five journeys across iternational cultures. -
1:44 PM - Cultural Challenge! - Fishing
The racers arrive at the rental company and set sail on their boat. They then spend the day catching fish, specifically cod. They have to catch enough cod to feed themselves and thier driver. -
11:00 PM - Sleep
The racers then spend the day in the area and sleep on the boat. They rest up for a busy day in Belgium. -
Cultural Challenge Info - Portugal
Fishing is a major cultural and economic part of Portugal and part of its CULTURAL ECOLOGY, with commercial fishing dating back to Roman times. Portugul has the 3rd largest Exclusive Economic Zone, or zone in which they may use the marine resources. Portugul also has one of the largest amounts of fish consumption per capita, used in a variety of local dishes. -
1:00 PM - Arrival!
The plane lands at the Portela Airport in Lisbon, Portugal at 1 PM local time. The racers then get off the plane, retrieve their bags, and get picked up by the taxi. They then drive 14 minutes to the Belem boat rental company. Belem is located at the mouth of the River Tagus. The OFFICAL LANUAGE of Portugal is Portuguese. Lisbon's economy is centered around TERTIARY ECONOMIC ACTIVITY. -
Period: to
The Amazing Race
5:45 AM - Wake Up!
The racers wake up early to catch their morning flight. They pack up their clothing and supplies, bring back the boat, and wait for the taxi to drive the back to the airport. -
6:15 AM - Taxi
The racers take the taxi to the airport 14 minutes away. The racers then arrive at the airport at 6:30 AM. -
7:05 AM - Trip 2
The racers board and take off on Brussels Airlines Flight 6402 bound for Brussels, Belguim. The flight is 2 hours and 45 minutes. The racers are excitied for the cultural challenge that awaits. -
10:50 AM -Arrival!
The flight lands at Brussels Airport in Brussels, Belgium at 10:50 local time. The racers get off the airplane and retrieve their bags. They then board a taxi that takes them to Binche, Belguim. Belgium is a MONOLINGUAL state with Dutch as their primary language. The PRIMATE CITY of Belgium is Brussels. -
12:00 PM - Cultural Challenge! - The Carnaval de Binche
After arriving at the Carnaval de Binche at 11:45 AM, the racers get into costume and partake in the festival from 12:00 - 6:00 PM. They must wear the costume and do the activities for the duration of the 6 hours. -
6:35 PM - Hotel
The racers take a 33 minute taxi trip from the Carnvial to their four-star hotel. They are exhausted after a long day of festivals and are excited to rest. They then get to their rooms and sleep. -
Cultural Challenge Info - Belgium
The Carnival is a local tradition in Binche, Belgium. The event, coming from a long oral tradition, is said to give the participants the feeling to be unique. The participants in this festival wear a Gille costume and walk and celebrate in a parade around town. The Festival also allows for the LOCAL CULUTRE of the area to be preseverd. -
8:30 PM - Wake Up!
The racers wake up, ready for a day in Japan. They pack their things and at 9:00 AM are picked up by a taxi. The ride takes them 1 hour and 45 minutes to reach the airport. The racers arrive at the airport at 10:50 AM. -
12:20 PM - Trip 3
The racers board Brussels Airlines Flight 4115 bound for Beijing. The 11 hour flight will arrive at PEK for three-hour lay over before the racers board Air China Flight 927 bound for Osaka, Japan. The racers will arrive at 12:40 PM local time. -
1:30 PM - Arrival!
The racers land at Osaka International Airport in Osaka, Japan at 12:40 local time. They exit the plane and retrieve their baggage. They board the 1:30 PM bus and then drive 2 hours and 25 minutes and arrive at the temple complex at 3:55 PM. The racers then walk for 19 minutes to the area and 10 minutes to the festival grounds, arriving at 4:30 PM. Japan is known as a CULTURAL HEARTH for many aspect of Western POPLUAR CULTURE. -
7:00 PM - Cultural Challenge! - Omizutori (Otamatsu)
The racers bare a torch during the Otsmatsu. They participate for the 20 minute show. The racers must carry the torch accurately for the entire show. They then pack up and take a return taxi to the airport, arriving around 8:30 PM. -
9:15 PM - Trip 4
The racers board Japan Airlines 192 bound for Tokyo. The flight lasts 1 hour and 10 minutes. -
Cultural Challenge Info - Japan
Omizutori, or the annual sacred water-drawing festival, is a Japanese BUDDHISM festival that is the final rite in observance of the two-week-long Shuni-e ceremony. The ceronmony comes from a story where a man invites the gods to a festival, a god was late because he was fishing and offered water to make up for it, causing a new spring. -
12:05 AM - Trip 4 Part 2
The racers then board Delta Flight 636 after a short layover. The flight is bound for Los Angeles, California. The flight lasts 10 hours and 22 minutes. -
10:43 PM - Trip 4 Part 3
The racers board Copa Flight 303 bound for Panama City after a 5 hour layover. The flight lasts 6 hours 21 minutes. -
9:36 AM (Mar 5) Trip 4 - Part 4
The last leg of their trip takes the racers on the early Copa Flight 829 bound for Quito, Ecaudor after an hour layover. -
11:37 AM - Arrival!
The racers arrive in Ecuador, exit the airplane, and retrieve their baggage. The racers then take a 39 minute taxi to the Otavlo Artesian Market. They arrive at 1:09 PM. Ecuador has a FEDERAL GOVERNMENT with elected officals and representitives. It also has several Native American tribes with their own INDIGENOUS RELIGIONS and languages. -
6:40 PM - Trip 5
The racers board an airplane on a two-stop trip to Austin, Texas. The duration is 15 hours. -
1:09 PM - Cutural Challenge! - Tigua Painting
The racers arrive at the market and spend two hours learning and painting traditional Tigua artwork. Each racer must make at least one tile in the traditional colors and designs. The racers then take return taxi to the airport. -
Cultural Challenge Info - Ecuador
The Tigua people paint highly decorative masks and drums and other surfaces. They use vibrant colors and simplistic themes to convey a scene or idea on their paintings. The Tingua speak a language that is part of the Quechua LANGUAGE FAMILY. -
12:00 PM - Cutural Challenge! - The Battle of the Alamo Reenactment
The racers participate in a re-enactment of the Battle of the Alamo as part of the Texas Milita. The racers leave at 4:30 and take a 12 minute taxi ride to their hotel Holiday Inn Express. -
4:45 PM - Hotel
The racers finish their day by arriving at their hotel. They then sleep and relax. -
9:12 AM - Arrival!
The racers arrive at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport in Austin, Texas at 9:12 AM local time. They get off the plane and retrieve their baggage. They then board a taxi from the airport to Alamo Plaza in San Antonio. This is an hour and twenty minute trip. The arrive at the Alamo at 11:05 AM. Texas is the border state for America with the Rio Grande as the BOUNDARY between the U.S and Mexico. It also is the main source of IMMIGRATION for Latin and South American countries into the U.S. -
Cultural Challenge Info - Texas (U.S)
The Battle is important to the history and culture of Texas as it was the final straw before the declaration of independence for the Texas Republic, its own NATION-STATE. This battle spawned the phrase "Remeber the Alamo!". The Texas Revolution is why Texas is part of America today. The culture of Texas even before revolution was simmilar to America as it was primarly made up of American settlers. -
6:05 AM - Last Trip
The racers board American Airlines Flight 1064 to Miami. They arrive back home in Miami, FL at 10:08 AM. -
3:00 AM - Wake Up!
The racers wake up at 3:00 AM to catch their early flight to Miami. They are picked up in a taxi and are dropped off at 4:35 AM at the airport in Austin.