Creation of the Triple Alliance
The Triple Alliance was created in 1882, and lasted until 1915. The Alliance consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. These countries promised to support each other during war. -
Rise of Kaiser Wilhelm II
Kaiser wanted to show the world how large Germany had become. He was a stubborn man that only cared to assert his rule on others. He was ready to strike to prove how great Gremany was. -
Alliance of Russia and France
Due to Kaiser's movements to create the perfect army, Russia gets defensive and forms a military alliance with France. -
European arms race/Militarism
"The entire able-bodied population are preparing to massacre one another; though no one, it is true, wants to attack, and everybody protests his love of peace and determination to maintain it, yet the whole world feels that it only requires some unforeseen incident, some unpreventable accident, for the spark to fall in a flash . . . and blow all Europe sky-high." Everyone was preparing large armies to declare international domance. Militatism - Glorifying military power and prepared for war -
Creation of Triple Entente
In 1907, Britain made another entente, this time with both France and Russia. The Triple Entente, as it was called. After the Germans began their huge ship building movement, the British were surprised and formed a complete alliance with France and Russia creating the Triple Entente -
The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
The assassination sparks the Great war, because it gave Austria Hungary a reason to start a war. The assassination was the spark to begin the war. Ferdinand was shot along with his wife. The killer was from a group called The Black Hand. -
The First Declaration of War
Austria declared war on Serbia sparking The first World War.. Serbia wasn't able to negotiate well enoough to avoid a War. The Austriasns were angry about the Serbians attempting to declare independance. -
Great Britian Declares War on Germany
The Germans attempted to raid the France through Belgium. The British promised Belgium's neutrality. When Germany invaded England declared war on the Germans. This added another great military power into the allied war. -
The Battle Lines are Drawn - Central Powers and Allies
On one side was the Central Powers which include Germany and Austria-Hungary. On the other side was the Allied Powers, France, Great Britain, and Russia. With these battle lines created the world was about to begin the deadliest war so far.