The Age of Reform

  • Spiritual Revivals

    Spiritual Revivals
    Regions like upstate New York and northern Ohio began to experience intense spiritual revivals and popularized the concept of perfectionism.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Reform

  • New Harmony

    New Harmony
    Robert Owen established New Harmony and he hopes that he would be able to create better people and a better place.
  • Religious societies

    Religious societies
    The American Tract Society, The Bible Society, and other religious groups were formed.
  • The Temperance Movement

    The Temperance Movement
    A movement against alcohol was formed. This movement did not only direct it's efforts towards habitual drinkers, but also the occasional drinker. Over the years, the movement had persuaded hundreds of thousands to stop drinking however there was still a considerable amount of hostility.
  • Institution formations

    Institution formations
    Institutions such as jails for criminals, orphanages for children, poorhouses for the destitute, and asylums for the insane were created.
  • The Free Women

    The Free Women
    A novel called The Free Women was created in order to support the concept of femenism in the world.
  • The American Anti-Slavery Society

    The American Anti-Slavery Society
    The American Anti-Slavery Society was created in order to abolish slavery. Almost more than 100,000 northeners supported the cause and the crowned usually consisted of farmers, shopkeepers, artisans, and laborers.
  • Pro/Anti-Slavery conflicts

    Pro/Anti-Slavery conflicts
    Many mobs led by merchants, who had close commercial ties with the South(AKA “gentlemen of property and standing”), disrupted abolitionist movements in northern cities.
  • The Decision of the Representatives

    The Decision of the Representatives
    Due to many abolitionists flooding Washington for emancipation in the nation’s capital, the representatives established the gag rule which denied their consideration.
  • Elijah P. Lovejoy

    Elijah P. Lovejoy
    Lovejoy was killed by a mob in Alton, Illinois, while defending his press. He was an anti-slavery protester and argued that slavery was a sin.
  • The Liberty Party

    The Liberty Party
    In efforts to make abolitionalism a political party, the people formed The Liberty Party which nominated James G. Britney as it's candidate.
  • Shaker settlements

    Shaker settlements
    During this time shaker settlements had reached their peak amount of member including more than 5,000 settlers.