The age of Napoleon

  • Period: to

    The age of Napoleon

  • Italian Campaign

    Italian Campaign
    The battle was a win for Napoleon, as it was one of his first big wins.
  • Egyptian Campaign

    Egyptian Campaign
    The campaign was a loss for Napoleon, he eventually had to withdraw his troops from the region and retreat.
  • The Consulate

    The Consulate
    The consulate was a win for Napoleon. It is what led him to sole power eventually.
  • Banque de France

    Banque de France
    It was a big win for Napoleon as he developed a French banking as people could barrow money to use and pay it back later and some.
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    It was a win for Napoleon because he was able to select the bishops and watch church finances.
  • Consul for life

    Consul for life
    This was a win for Napoleon as it created a name and image for himself and future generations to rule.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    The Napoleonic code was more good than bad. I would say it was a win, it give set in stone laws for the people but also promoted order and authority over individual rights.
  • Declared self emperor

    Declared self emperor
    This was a win for Napoleon. He was able to set his own legacy and be separate from the kings who ‘come and go’ by his words.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    This battle was a loss for Napoleon. It ensured that he would not be able to invade Great Britain. It also cemented Great Britain as the best naval force for the next 100 years.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire
    I would call it a win for Napoleon, in some aspects it was revenge for him but it was also necessary so he could acquire the imperial title.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    This was a loss for Napoleon. It was an effort to stop Great Britain from trading with states and to weaken their economy but it didn’t work.
  • Resistance in Spain

    Resistance in Spain
    I would say it was a win for Napoleon. When Spain didn’t agree to help he invaded them and imprisoned their king and prince. He also made his brother king.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    This was a major loss for Napoleon, as he was complete outsmarted and he got a little overconfident when preparing. This was the start of the downfall for the French and Napoleon.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig
    This was a big loss for Napoleon as the last of his and French power was taken. They were pushed back into the suburbs of France.
  • Hundred Days

    Hundred Days
    It was a win for Napoleon by the fact that he escaped Elba and kind of rejuvenated Paris.
  • Waterloo

    This was what led to Napoleon being captured again and was his last battle as the French were decimated.
  • Abdication

    Napoleon was forced to abdicate the thrown after an unsuccessful attempt to invade Russia and he was later thrown in jail/capture.