Napoleon Bonaparte is born
Dies on May 5, 1821 -
Treaty of Campo Formed
(Exact day couldn't be found but month and year are correct) -
Spring Elections of 1797
Election that replaced many incumbents with constitutional monarchist. (no exact day or month could be found) -
Directory staged a coup d’ etat
Directory staged a coup d’ etat n order to prevent the monarchists from taking their seats in the legislature -
Horatio Nelson Destroyed the French fleet
British admiral Horatio Nelson destroyed the French fleet at Abukir and the French army was cut off from France by this defeat. -
Russian and Austrian Armies Defeat France
The Russian and Austrian armies defeated France in Italy and Switzerland. Also in 1799 British, not Ottoman, forces drove the French out of Egypt(correct year but no specific month or day was found) -
French forces handed Austria defeat
French forces handed Austria another defeat in Italy(exact year was found but not exact day and month) -
Britain and France made peace
Britain and France made peace with the Treaty of Amiens(exact year is right but exact day and month could not be found) -
Another Constitution
A plebiscite ratified Napoleon as consul for life and he produced another constitution that granted him full power(Exact year is right but exact day and month could not be found) -
Royalist Attempt to Assassinate Napoleon
Used to justify the suppression of jacobins in France(exact year is right but exact day and year could not be found) -
Duke Executed
Napoleon violated the sovereignty of the German state of Baden to seize and execute the Bourbon duke of Enghien because the duke was accused of participation in a royalist plot, though Bonaparte knew him to be innocent. The execution put an end to royalist plots. -
Forced Surrender
Napoleon forced an Austrian army to surrender at Ulm and occupied Vienna(exact month and year are correct but not exact day) -
Napoleon Defeated Austrian and Russian Forces
Napoleon defeated the combined Austrian and Russian forces at Austerlitz. Austria surrendered its Italian possessions to France and Napoleon is recognized as king of Italy -
Confederation of the Rhine
Napoleon organized western Germany into the Confederation of the Rhine and as a result, the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved. Holy Roman Emperor Francis I took the title Emperor Francis I of Austria.(exact year is right but could not find exact day and month)