The Age Of Napoleon

  • birthdate

    Napoleon was born on the island of Corsica on August 15th, 1769
  • Becomes a officer in the French army

    When Napoleon was nine he was sent to France to become a officer in his military career. (no specific date)
  • Military career in Syria and Egypt

    In December 1798 Napoleon was determined to disrupt the British forces trade in India. He then led a expedition to Egypt. However the Egyptian campaign proved to be a disaster, but Napoleon managed to hide the stories of the losses from his admirers in France. (No specific date just December 1798)
  • Coup d’état

    Napoleon overthrows the weak directory, and set up a three man government that was know as the consulate.
  • Napoleons coronation:

    By the year 1801, Napoleon had enough power to become emperor of the French and all of France. During the coronation ceremony Napoleon took the crown from the popes hand and placed it own his head, displaying the fact that Napoleon would not share his crown with no one but himself.
  • Napoleonic code

    Napoleonic code
    A new code of laws created by napoleon during the reformation of France in 1801 after he was crowned emperor of France and the french people.
  • Period: to

    Joseph Bonaparte becomes king of spain

    Joseph Bonaparte resigned from his first reign as king of Naples and Sicily in 1808, and became king of Spain in in 1808
  • The battle of Wagram

    The battle of Wagram
    A battle that occurred in 1809 after Napoleon triumphed, which cause a peace agreement that caused Austria to surrender which populated the land with more than three million subjects.
  • Battle of the nationals

    Battle of the nationals
    In 1809 Austria and Spain started battling French. There was a foreign rule bled french occupying forces in Spain. As a result, French forces responded with a brutal repression on Spain
  • The battle of Trafalgar

    The battle of Trafalgar
    A battle fought on the southwest coast of Spain by the British and French. The British wanted to stop Napoleons rule of the continent(Europe) the only way they could, by sea power. As, a result Napoleon stopped them the only way he could, by attacking the British lifeblood, their commerce.
  • The great empire

    The great empire
    After he won the battle of Austerlitz, Napoleon captured all that land and made it under control of the French empire.
  • Napoleons exile to Elba

    Napoleons exile to Elba
    In 1814 Napoleon stepped down from power, and was exiled to Elba(island in the Mediterranean). They then recognized Louis XVIII (brother of Louis XVI) as king of France.
  • Napoleons return

    In 1815, Napoleon escaped the island of Elba, and returned to France where the citizens cheered as he entered Paris with triumph.
  • The battle of Waterloo

    However, Napoleons triumph was a short one after he was defeated again and was exiled to St Helena.
  • Period: to

    Napoleons exile to St. Helena

    Napoleon was sent to St. Helena ( a lonely island in the south Atlantic). This time he would not return. He died on May 15th, 1821