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The Age of Napoleon

  • Italian Campaign (green)

    Italian Campaign (green)
    The Italian Campaign was fought by Napoleon (against Austrians) in Italy to help end the French Revolutionary Wars in favor of France.
  • Egyptian Campaign (green)

    Egyptian Campaign (green)
    The Egyptian Campaign led to the Battle of the Pyramids which was fought between French and Egyptian Mameluke soldiers. It ended with a very successful victory for the French.
  • Consulate (green)

    Consulate (green)
    The Consulate was the highest level of France's government
  • Banque de France (green)

    Banque de France (green)
    Banque de France was created by Napoleon to support the
    eco­nomic recovery after the strong recession of the revolu­tionary period.
  • Concordat of 1801 (green)

    Concordat of 1801 (green)
    The Concordat of 1801 was an agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII that healed the religious division in France by giving the French Catholics free practice of their religion and Napoleon more political power. It was a win win.
  • Consul for Life (green)

    Consul for Life (green)
    Napoleon proclaimed himself the "First Consul for Life". He named himself this from the major steps he imagined for a new government in his own image.
  • Napoleonic Code (green)

    Napoleonic Code (green)
    The Napoleonic Code was a body of French civil laws. It embodied Enlightenment principles; the rights of citizenship. Woman lost many of their newly gained rights and men regained complete authority over their children and wives.
  • Declared Self Emperor (green)

    Declared Self Emperor (green)
    During the coronation, instead of the pope, Pius, placing the wreath on Napoleon, he took the crown right out of Pius' hands and placed it on his head. After, he then crowned his wife Josephine.
  • Battle of Trafalgar (red)

    Battle of Trafalgar (red)
    The Battle of Trafalgar was a sea battle between the British Navy and France aliened with Spain. The battle ended with victory for the British.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire (green)

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire (green)
    Napoleon and his French army defeated the Austrian and Russian armies in battle at Austerlitz.
  • Continental System (red)

    Continental System (red)
    The Continental System was a blockade designed by Napoleon to negatively affected Britain economically by European ports to British goods.
  • Resistance in Spain (red)

    Resistance in Spain (red)
    During the resistance in Spain, Napoleon brought to the table reforms that desired to undermine the Spanish Catholic Church. When the Spaniards resisted to leave their kings side, the French inflamed Spanish nationalism. But, the Spaniards ambushed French supply trains/troops with their guerrilla warfare.
  • Invasion of Russia (red)

    Invasion of Russia (red)
    After Tsar Alexander I failed to fall through with Napoleon's plan in the Continental System, he assembled his Grand Army. He left his troops to starve/freeze. When he entered Moscow in September, his triumph was short-lived.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig (red)

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig (red)
    The Battle of the Nations was initiated by a fight near Liebertwolkwitz. Over 14,000 riders participated. Napoleon insisted on a battle and fought, with his far outnumbered troops, against Austrian, Prussian, Russian, and Swedish forces.
  • Hundred Days (green)

    Hundred Days (green)
    The Hundred Days mark when Napoleon marched into Paris with his supporters after escaping from exile on the island of Elba.
  • Waterloo (red)

    Waterloo (red)
    Napoleon was brutally defeated by the British, Dutch, Belgian, and German soldiers. Shortly after, he was sent to St. Helena, an island in the South Atlantic, and never returned again.
  • Abdication

    After Napoleon's unsuccessful invasion of Russia, he was forced to abdicate to the island of Elba in Italy.