The Age of Napoleon

  • Napoleon's Birth

    Napoleon's Birth
    Napoleon was born on August 15th, 1769 in Ajaccio, France. His prents were Carlo and Letizia Ramolino Bonaparte. They were Italian Nobles.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon's Timeline

  • Becoming an officer in the French army

    Becoming an officer in the French army
    Napoleon became and officer when he was 16 years old in 1785.
  • Military campaign in Egypt and Syria

    Military campaign in Egypt and Syria
    Their was a campaign in Egypt that lasted from 1798-1801.
  • Coup d’état

    Coup d’état
    This was the french overthrow.
  • Napoleonic code

    Napoleonic code
    In 1804, the Napoleonic Code was officially published.
  • The Napoleonic Code

    The Napoleonic Code
    The Napoleonic Code was formed, granting religious tolerance and offering jobs to those who deserved it most.
  • Napoleon’s coronation

    Napoleon’s coronation
    This is when Napoleon became a Emperor of France.
  • The Battle of Trafalgar

    The Battle of Trafalgar
    It was a war to ensure that Napoleon would never invade Britain.
  • Joseph Bonaparte becomes King of Spain

    Joseph Bonaparte becomes King of Spain
    Joseph becomes king of Spain in 1808.
  • The Battle of Wagram

    The Battle of Wagram
    It was an engagement saying that the Napoleonic Wars had ended.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Russia was invaded by Napoleon and the French
  • Battle of Nations

    Battle of Nations
    It is the battle between 3 nations.
  • The Grand Empire

    The Grand Empire
    The Grand Empire was formed in France