The Age of Napoleon

  • Napoleon was Born

    In Corsica, an island in the Mediterranean, only a few months after France had annexed the island.
  • Ranks of Napoleon

    he became a captain in 1792. in 1794, he became a Brigadier Genera, and became a Commander of the French armies in Italy.
  • Return to France

    Napoleon returns to France as a hero. he was given Command from an army in training to invade England but he knew they couldn't. so he led told them to strike Egypt instead.
  • Defeat

    the British defeated the French army that attacked Egypt. Napoleon abandoned the army and returned to Paris.
  • Catholicism

    one of his first moves was to make piece with the Catholic Churches. he came to an agreement with the pope and recognized Catholicism as a religion for most people in France. the Catholic Church was no longer an enemy to the French government.
  • Period: to

    Piece Treaty

    it didn't last long it was signed with Russia, Great Britain , and Austria. there was a war between France and those countries.
  • Civil Code

    multiple law codes were created but the most important is the Civil Code, also known as the Napoleonic Code. this code preserved the principles revolutionaries had fought for. some of the principals are equality of all citizens before the law; the right of the individual to choose a profession; religious toleration; and the abolition of serfdom
    and all feudal obligations. for women and children, the code was a step back because now they are less equal to men, but before they could inherit land.
  • Emperor Napoleon

    2 years earlier, he was named consul for life, the became Emperor Napoleon I
  • Period: to

    Master of Europe

    Napoleon was the master of Europe. His Grand Empire was composed of three major parts: the French Empire, dependent states, and allied states.
  • Russia

    Grand Army of more than 600,000 men
    entered Russia. Napoleon’s hopes depended on a quick
    victory over the Russians. The Russian forces, however,
    refused to do battle.
  • Captured

    Paris was captured in March 1814. Napoleon was soon sent into exile on the island of Elba, off the northwest coast of Italy.
  • Death

    Napoleon remained in exile until his
    death in 1821, but his memory haunted French political
    life for many decades.