The Age of Exploration

  • 100

    Who am I

    Who am I
    Responsible for the first successful circumnavigation
  • 200

    The Dark Continent

    The Dark Continent
  • Jan 1, 1000

    The Vikings Land

    The Vikings Land
    Eric the Red lands in Greenland, establishes colony but is unsuccessful. Eventually abandons post and returns to Iceland.
  • Period: Sep 15, 1424 to

    The Age of Exploration

  • Oct 12, 1492

    First Contact

    First Contact
    Christopher Columbus lands on the Island of Hispaniola leading to permanent settlement by the Spanish.
  • Apr 15, 1497

    First English Contact

    First English Contact
    John Cabot finds Greenland and Newfoundland, meets Canadian aborigines. Fishing colonies are now established.
  • Jun 10, 1499

    The New World gets a name

  • The Map

    The Map