
The Age of Democracy and Progress

  • William Willberforce

    William Willberforce
    William was born in Hull on August 24th in 1759
  • Changing Society

    Changing Society
    William wanted to provide kids with regular education in reading, personal hygiene and religion.
  • Abolitionist

    Williwam Willberforce helped to abolish the slave trade. It wasn't until 1833 that all slaves were free from britian.
  • Europe Abolitionists

    Europe Abolitionists
    William lead abolitionists in Europe.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Democracy and Progress

  • Reform Bill

    Reform Bill
    Parliment passed the reform bill of 1832. The law eased the property requirements so that well-to-do men in the middle class were able to vote.
  • Europe Abilishes Slavery

    Europe Abilishes Slavery
    WIlliam Willberforce lead the abolishment of slavery in Europe.
  • Demand for Right to Vote

    Demand for Right to Vote
    In 1838 poeple demanded the right to vote for working class men and for privacy when voting.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    The National Assembly agreed on a new government. Members voted to set up a republic which is known as the Third Republic.
  • Development

    A movement for reastablishment, development and protection of a jewish nation in Isreal.