
The Aeneid: Book 2 - The Trojan War

  • Jan 1, 1150

    Leda & The Swan

    Leda & The Swan
    Who : Zeus & Leda (wife of King Tyndareus)
    What : Zeus seduces Leda and gives her an egg with two children
    When: Before the Trojan War
    Where: In a forrest somewhere in Sparta
    Why : Zeus fell into Leda's arms trying to be saved from an eagle. This event is important because the egg bore Helen who would become Helen of Troy.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1150 to Jan 1, 1200

    The Trojan War

    Events before the Trojan War, During the War and the even that ended the war.
  • Jan 8, 1170

    Helen is abducted by Paris

    Helen is abducted by Paris
    Who : Paris (a Trojan prince) & Helen
    What : Paris came to Sparta on Zeus' orders to get the most beautiful goddess.
    When : Before the Trojan War
    Where : This happened in Sparta but Paris was taking Helen to Troy
    Why : This event is important because Helen's abduction is what made Odysseus go to Troy. This then started the Trojan War.
  • Jan 10, 1175

    Agamemnon Takes Briseis from Achilles

    Agamemnon Takes Briseis from Achilles
    Who : Agamemnon, Achilles & Briseis
    What : Agamemnon loses his woman Chryseis and demands Briseis (Achilles woman) as compensation. This caused Achilles to drop out of the war. This caused horrible consequences for the Greeks.
    When: During the War
    Where: Somewhere in Greece
    Why: This is important because Briseis' abduction caused most of the fights between Agamemnon and Achilles in the Trojan War.
  • Jan 8, 1180

    Hector's Death

    Hector's Death
    Who : Hector & Achilles
    What : Achilles fights Hector to avenge is friend, Patroclus, in this battle Hector dies
    When : During the War
    Where: Somewhere outside of Troy
    Why : Achilles killing Hector is important because it causes Achilles to give the Trojans a twelve day truce to mourn Hector. Because Achilles killed Hector, prince of Troy, this gave the Greeks a much better chance at winning the war.
  • Jan 8, 1185

    Penthesilea's Death

    Penthesilea's Death
    Who : Achilles and Penthesilea
    What: Achilles killed Penthesilea and after fell in love with her.
    When : During the War
    Where : In a battle outside of Troy
    Why: This event is important because it changed around Achilles death. Originally, Penthesilea is supposed to do it but because he kills her Paris does it.
  • Jan 8, 1190

    Achilles' Death

    Achilles' Death
    Who : Paris & Achilles
    What : Paris shot Achilles in the heel with a poisoned arrow.
    When: During the War
    Where: In Troy
    Why: This marks the death of Achilles, a Greek Hero. Although this did not help the Trojans win the battle it did give them more advantages.
  • Jan 8, 1195

    Death of Ajax

    Death of Ajax
    Who : Ajax
    What : Ajax and Odysseus fought for Achilles magical armor. Ajax lost and fell upon his sword in his own sorrow.
    When : During the Trojan War
    Where : Outside of Troy
    Why : This is important because it prompted the making of the Trojan horse.
  • Jan 8, 1200

    The Trojan Horse

    The Trojan Horse
    Who : The Greeks vs. The Trojans
    What : The Greeks made a wooden horse and gave it to the Trojans as a "peace offering". This made the Trojans think the war was over and they took the horse in with no worry.
    When : End of the War
    Where : In Troy
    Why : The Trojans bringing in the Trojan Horse marks the end of the war because the Greeks in the horse let other Greek soldiers in the city and they took over the whole city.