Tom sawyer

The adventures of Tom Sawyer

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    Poor Muff Potter

    Poor Muff Potter
    The children feel bad because muff is in jail and they know that he is innocent of what they accuse him of and that is why they bring him food to jail.
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    The trial of Muff Potter

    The trial of Muff Potter
    At the trial things were not going well for Muff, until the lawyer called Tom and he decided to tell the truth, that Injun Joe was the killer of Dr.Robinson.
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    Injun Joe ran away

    Injun Joe ran away
    When it was discovered that the killer was Injun Joe, he decided to escape the trial by jumping out the window and no one could stop him.
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    Treasure hunt

    Treasure hunt
    Tom and Huck wanted to find a treasure so they went to the house on Cardiff hill and dug under a tree but they found nothing and they entered the haunted house to search there.
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    They find Injun Joe

    They find Injun Joe
    When they entered the haunted house they saw holes in the ground and through them they saw an old Spanish and a short man who were talking . When they listened they realized that the old Spanish was Injun Joe in disguise.
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    Haunted house treasure

    Haunted house treasure
    Injun Joe and the short man were taking a part of the money they had stolen to keep the rest , but when they dug next to the fireplace they found a box with gold coins that they went to hideunder a cross.Tom and Huck wanted the treasure but they did not know where the cross was and they could not follow Injun Joe because they were afraid.