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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  • Meet Huck at Miss Watson's House

    Meet Huck at Miss Watson's House
  • Pap kidnaps Huck

    Pap kidnaps Huck
  • Huck escapes and fakes murder

    Huck escapes and fakes murder
  • Huck runs into Jim

    Huck runs into Jim
  • Wrecked steamboat with robbers

    Wrecked steamboat with robbers
  • Raft destroyed

  • Buck

  • War between Grangerfords and Shepherdsons

    War between Grangerfords and Shepherdsons
  • the Duke and the King

    the Duke and the King
  • Boggs and Colonel Sherburn

    Boggs and Colonel Sherburn
  • Shakespeare play and steal money

  • Duke and King pretend to be Peter Wilk's brother

  • Trial for king and duke

  • JIm captured by Phelps

  • Tom arrives

  • Huck pretends to be Tom Sawyer

    Huck pretends to be Tom Sawyer
  • Begin to rescue Jim

  • Save Jim and Tom gets shot

    Save Jim and Tom gets shot
  • Return to Phelps' house and Tom returns

  • MIss Watson set Jim free

  • All go on own adventures

    All go on own adventures