Charles darwin photograph two column

The Achievements of Charles Darwin; born February 12, 1809

By Wolff91
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    Voyage of Discovery

    In 1831 Charles Darwin was invited by Capt. Robert Fitz-Roy to be an unpaid naturalist/biologist aboard the H.M.S Beagle. The ship set sail on December 27, 1831 from Plymouth with the mission to survey coastal geography of South America. Along with the crews mission, Darwin had a mission of his own to collect specimens for the study of geology and natural history (McGuinness).
  • Darwin's theory regarding the Coral Reefs and Atolls

    During the voyage one of the things that Darwin found were sea shells that were forty feet above sea level and this led his to theorize that the various types of coral reefs and atolls could potentially be explained by the uplift of the Earth's crust under the oceans (Anirudh). He published his theory several years after his voyage was complete in 1842 and was rewarded with the Royal Society's Royal medal for his work (Anirudh).
  • The Theory Of Natural Selection

    After reading an essay by Thomas Malthus called the Essay on Principle of Population, Darwin created the theory of Natural Selection, where species select beneficial traits to help them compete and survive. This theory came to be in 1938 but it did not become a recognized theory until 1958 when he collaborated with Alfred Russel Wallace where it was published and their theory of evolution by natural selection became what is known to be the foundation of modern evolutionary studies (Anirudh).
  • On the Origin of Species

    Darwin finished and published his book called "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" on November 24, 1859. It was written in a way so people could read and understand it without necessarily needing a background in biology and it is considered one of Darwin's greatest accomplishments and has deeply influenced modern Western society and thought (Anirudh).