Ngati Whenua sell 3,000 acres of land to British Government
This area was their traditional Maori land and is where Auckland is currently located. -
Ngati Whenua gives the Anglican Church the Ngati Whenua church and cemetary
Ngati Whenua sells the Orakei block and by this time, only 700 acres remained for the tribe
This block was originally excluded from the sale of the Auckland isthmus, but was needed to be sold later as the city of Auckland developed. -
The Native Land Court declares the remaining land of Ngati Whenua to not be able to be sold.
The Native Land Court were concerned for what would become of the tribe and also put 13 trustees under control of the land. -
The trustees of Ngati Whenua became legal owners of the land by the Native Land Court.
This also gives the legal awners the right to sell the land. -
The Anglican Church sells the land with the Ngati Whenua church and cemetary to the government
The government had bought nearly all the land of Orakei Block.
Only 3 acres remained in Ngati Whenua possession after the government bought most of the land. -
Between now and 1960 Ngati Whenua constructed a new marae and chapel.
This project was presented to the government and required 40 acres of land as well. -
The governemt uses the Public Works Act to aquire the 3 acres of land the Ngati Whenua had left.
Between now and 1950 Ngati Whenua constructed a new marae and chapel.
This project was presented to the government and required 40 acres of land as well. -
The government announces to consrtuct high cost housing on Bastion Point, and open resentment by Ngati Whenua is caused by this
Ngati Whenua occupy Bastion Point.
The occupation lasted 506 days. -
Ngati Whenua elders say the protest was without tribal backing.
An agrrement was announced that said 30 acres of Bastion Point would be vested in a trust board.
This allowed Ngati Whenua occupants to purchase state houses. -
Hon. Mr Justice Speight had stated that land on Bastion Point was owned by the Crown, and that the Ngati Whenua were trespassing.
A police and army operation of arresting Ngati Whenua occupiers and destroying all signs of occupation was underway.
People assemble at Bastion Point to protest against plans of private housing in the area.
The Waitangi Tribunial recommended the return of Bastion point and other Crown land back to Ngati Whenua.
An announcement was made that the recommendation at the Tribunial will be carried out.
But they still claimed protesters at Bastion Point were still trespassing.