The Aboriginal fight for human rights

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  • Celebrate or mourn

    Celebrate or mourn
    In 1938 there was a Aboriginal meeting, this meeting was held in Sydney, This meeting was held for a document called ' Aborigines Claim Citizen Rights '. this declaration was the very first time Aboriginals had made a national protest
  • More visible during war (1939-1945)

    More visible during war (1939-1945)
    The status of the second-class Indigenous Australians became even more obvious and visible to the public in the result of world war II in the time span of 1939-1945
  • Indigenous Australians take initiative

    Indigenous Australians take initiative
    A group of Aboriginal's led activist Charles Perkins made a bus tour through NSW ( New South Wales ). They protested about discrimination in shops, swimming pools, clubs, bars and theaters
  • Indigenous Australians take initiative

    Indigenous Australians take initiative
    200 workers walked off the Wave Hill cattle station in the Northern territory. They wanted better money and conditions, and their traditional lands back. The Gurindji eventually gained ownership of the area in 1985
  • Indigenous Australians take initiative

    Indigenous Australians take initiative
    In 1967 after a 90% 'yes' vote the government gave the Indigenous Australians the right to vote and be counted in censuses which ended the protection policies
  • Indigenous Australians take initiative

    Indigenous Australians take initiative
    In 1972 the Embassy said that the Indigenous Australians were now going to fight back on issues of education, health, locking people up, Aboriginal activist and police victimising
  • Indigenous Australians take initiative

    Indigenous Australians take initiative
    In 1974 the government said that the Aboriginals should get the land back that they once owned and had traditionally lived.
  • Indigenous Australians take initiative

    Indigenous Australians take initiative
    In the year 1975 the first Aboriginal land rights had acted. However this Northern Territory law only gave the Indigenous Australians areas of large, unused land
  • Bringing Them Home

    Bringing Them Home
    In the year 1977 the human rights commission reported on this and only later a few white people new about it in 1980
  • The Awakening

    The Awakening
    In May 2000, 250000 people walked across Sydney Harbour Bridge and Nearly 400000 marched in Melbourne in December, many many marches held signs and banners as apart to say sorry for the Indigenous Australians past.
  • The lost generation 0.2

    The lost generation 0.2
    Lorna was taken to a church-run foster home and never saw her mother again. Lorna was one of 100 000 Aboriginal kids who were taken from their beloved families and put into foster homes or missions run by European.
  • The lost generation

    The lost generation
    Seven-year-old Lorna Cubillo was thrown into a truck and seized by officials with 15 other aboriginol girls.