The Aboriginal fight for human rights

  • Myall Creek massacre

    Myall Creek massacre
    Aboriginal peoples were murdered, executed, massacred and violated while defending their land and cultures. This happen because they had nothing to defend themselves wiht.
  • No rights

    No rights
    Aboriginal people are excluded from the vote, pensions, employment in post offices, enlistment in armed forces and maternity allowance. Federation - The Commonwealth Constitution states "in reckoning the numbers of people… Aboriginal natives shall not be counted".
  • The seperation of Children and their parents

    The seperation of Children and their parents
    Over 100,000 Aboriginals were taken away from their families forcfully.They were then put into foster homes or missions run by white people.This happend because the whites thought is was best to cut the children of from their cultre, assimimilate them into white sociaty and provide cheap labour for white employers. Many of the girls were sexually abused and treated a little better than slaves
  • Aboriginals fighting in world war 2

    Aboriginals fighting in world war 2
    Austrailian Aborigianal started to join the Austrailian armed forces in World war 2. Because of this they became me obvious to the genral public
  • The better tretment of aboriginal people

    The better tretment of aboriginal people
    During the 1950 Aboriginals were allawed to vote, drink in hotels, and trvel without restriction.
  • More benefits

    More benefits
    In the early 1960s aboriginal adults recived pension and maternity benifits but they still had little control of land children and many other things.
  • Aboriginal initives

    Aboriginal initives
    In 1965 aborignals began to fight for mor rights.They fought for the power to vote, get back the land that was once theirs, and Improve education and health standards this happend from 1965 to 1975.
  • Significant day for Native Australians

    Significant day for Native Australians
    A crucial date in history for Indigenous Australians is June 3rd, the anniversary of the High Court's 1992 Mabo decision, which overturned the legal doctrine of terra nullius and recognized Aboriginal people's native title to land, according to the Australian Museum.
  • A long way to go

    A long way to go
    in the early 21 centuary the Aboriginals were caught in a culte trap .They were between their past and present treatment were they began to be treated like normal people.
  • Putting things right

    Putting things right
    Prime Minister Kevin Rudd offered a formal apology to Australia's Indigenous peoples, particularly the Stolen Generations, on behalf of the nation at Australian Parliament House. The Apology was presented as a motion for voting to the Chamber.
  • Sydney Harbour Bridge walk

    Sydney Harbour Bridge walk
    Many Australian marched to show concern for aboriginal people.Rhey did this to Improve living standards give them more cultural status and apolagise for past treatment
  • Hope for the future

    Hope for the future
    Aboriginals began to take positive steps forwrd in Australias new population.They were givin fair deals over land rights.Provided with compensation to the "Stollen Generation" Recognized for talent in sports people, artists, students and business people.The recived and official apolage and and were educated on their history.