Tech in the 1980s

  • The Walkman

    The Walkman
    This was used to play music on cassettes in a portable way. They usually came with headphones attached to a cord. it was one of the most popular inventions of this decade.It was first released in 1980 by Sony co-founder Masaru Ibuka
  • First shuttle in space

    First shuttle in space
    NASA had its first space shuttle launch in 1981, piloted by John Young and Robert Crippen. This was a huge event for the country and really brought people together rooting for success.
  • Jarvik-7 Artificial Heart

    Jarvik-7 Artificial Heart
    This was the first permanent artificial heart as the others before couldn't last very long. It was made by Dr Robert Jarvik and has changed many lives since.
  • The Macintosh

    The Macintosh
    Apple, created by Steve Jobs launched the first Macintosh in in 1984. It was the first personal computer that was more accessible to the public. It's a lot clunkier than current computers but is definitely a lot smaller than a computer filling up an entire room.
  • Disposable Camera

    Disposable Camera
    The invention is a disposable camera made taking pictures a lot more accessible to the public aside from professional photographers. The first targeted audience was for tourists. It was first released by Kodak and Fuji Film