The 8 cycles of life

By kayleed
  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
    Graduating College is a huge part of how I want my life to go. I feel it is important to have a solid education in order to be ready for the future!
  • Meet a smokin hot daddy

    Meet a smokin hot daddy
  • The Proposal

    The Proposal
    My smoking hot daddy is gonna get down on one knee and give me a ROCK
  • The Wedding

    I do
  • Beginning family

    Beginning family
  • Buy a house

    prepare for new additions
  • Prepare for a baby!!

    Get clothes, diapers, formula.
  • Nesting

    Clean, organize, get rid of the old stuff
  • Child bearing

    Child bearing
    Our babies are so pretty
  • Preparing for pre-school

    Prepare for the upcoming years of letting go.
  • Preparing for Pre-school

    Begin teaching your child colors, shapes, the alphabet. "What does a cow say?"
  • NO

    It is important that the child hears the word no and is prepared for discipline.
  • Families with pre-schoolers

    Letting go is hard, but its the best for the kids and their social skills!
  • Preparing for Elementary School

    The children must know that they can talk to you. But they have to know how to deal with situations that may arise while at school.
  • Responsibility

    The child must know that their are consequences to negative actions.
  • Attention Span

    The child must understand the concept of listening when the teacher is speaking. You don't want your child to be everyone else's distraction. Work with your child at an early age to form a good attention span.
  • Families with school age children

    The kids are growing. They are ready to communicate with their fellow peers and make start trying to decipher between right and wrong.
  • Families with teens

    Families with teens
    Teens may be more apt to arguing or rebelling.
  • Launching

    Kids are finally gaining a sense of making their own decisions. From day to day they are
  • empty nest

    empty nest
    Kids are gone. The house is quiet and you are no longer graced with their presence everyday.
  • aging family

    aging family
    the parents are enjoying aging and growing old together. Maybe traveling, trying new things, or just being lazy.