
The Scottsburo Trials

By CarlyR
  • The Train Fight

    The Train Fight
    The Cause of the Trials> Nine African-American men were traveling on a train to find work when a fight breaks out againist a group of white men. The white men get thrown off the train and contact the police.
  • Period: to


  • Lynched?

    Boys Almost Lynched The boys are nearly lynched in front of 100 people becuase they were thought to have raped two white women. Many people wanted to call the Alabama govenor, Benjamin Meeks Miller. When he was finally called and he arrived, he called the national guard to protect the jail and all it's prisoners.
  • Conviction

    Convicted the First Time They are convicted in front of Judge Hawerton and are sentanced to death, but Juerors hold out on their deatth sentance.
  • Denied Letter

    Denied Letter
    Denied Letter Ruby Bates sends a letter to Earl Streetman dening that she was raped. In her letter she quotes ," those Negroes did not touch me...I hope you will believe me the law dont...I wish these Negroes are not burnt on account of me."
  • The Supreme Court gets Involved

    The Supreme Court gets Involved
    The Supreme Court The boys are transfered to the Alabama Supreme Court, and they reverse the conviction of Eugene Williams.
  • Haywood Patterson Sentanced

    Haywood Patterson Sentanced
    Sentanced to the Electric Chair Haywood Patterson is though to have been found guilty and is sentanced to death by an electric chair.
  • Postponed Trials

    Postponed Trials
    Postponed Trials Judge Hawkins postpones trials due to local tension.
  • Transefed courts

    Transefed courts
    New Judges The Scottsburo case is transferred from Judge Hawkin's Jury to Judge William Callahan.
  • Confirmed Cases

    Confirmed Cases
    Second Convictions> The conviction of Norris and Haywood are confirmed.
  • No Diversity in the Jury

    No Diversity in the Jury
    Jury Lacking Diversity The judge overturns the convictions of Norris and Patterson becuase of lack of diversity on the jury council. The NAACP argues that this was not a fair trial. They came to an argreement that under the 14th amedment that some diversity needed to be present to create a fair case.
  • Convicted a Fourth Time

    Convicted a Fourth Time
    Convicted a Fourth Time Patterson is convicted of rape a fourth time and is sentenced to 75 years in prison.
  • Ozzie Powell is Shot

    Ozzie Powell is Shot
    Ozzie Powell Shot> Ozzie Powell is shot in the head while assulting a police officer. He is sentanced to 20 years in prison.
  • Final Convictions

    Final Convictions
    Almost Last Convictions Clarence Norris is convicted of rape and is sentanced to death again. Andy Wright is convicted and sentanced to 99 years in prison. Charlie Weems is convicted and sentanced to 75 years in prison. Ozzie Powell pleads gulity of an assult to a police officer.
  • Outcomes

    Last Convictions Clarence Norris death is reduced and he is sentanced to life in prison. Andy wright returns to prison also. The other Scottsburo boys are put on patrol.
  • A Peaceful Resolution

    A Peaceful Resolution
    Final Resoutions Alabama Governor Robert Bently, signs a legislation that pardons and exonerating all nine boys.