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The 70's at a glance

  • Period: to

    The 70's At A Glance

  • The first Earth Day is observed

    The first Earth Day is observed
    Due to growing geo-activism congressmen started Earth Day
  • Kent State aka Kent State Massacre

    Kent State aka Kent State Massacre
    Protesting the Cambodian Campaign gaurdsmen shot for 13 seconds killing students and bystanders
  • A ban on radio and television cigarette advertisements goes into effect

    A ban on radio and television cigarette advertisements goes into effect
    Because of its targeting youth congress posed a ban
  • Watergate Scandal

    Five men arrested for the burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Ruling overturns laws against abortion
  • Watergate Scandal: House Judicary Committee vote to empeach Nixon

  • Bill Gates finds Microsoft

    Bill Gates finds Microsoft
    In time will dominate the home computer operating system market.
  • President Ford survives 2 assassination attempts

    over a 17 day period
  • America celebrates Bicentennial ( Independence day)

    celebrating the 200th anniversary of the declaration of independence
  • First personal computer is released for retail sale

    First personal computer is released for retail sale
    Commodore PET is the first personal computer
  • The Senate votes to turn the Panama Canal over to Panamanian control on December 31, 1999

    i dont know the time
  • American Airlines Flight 191 crashes after takeoff from O'Hare International Airport killing all 271 aboard and 2 on the ground, making it the deadliest aviation incident on U.S. soil