the 7 generations

By ferby13
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    the 1st generation

    Eckert and Mauchly contributed to the development of first generation computers. Time when electronic technology was based on bulbs, or vacuum tubes, and communication was in terms of the lowest level that can exist, which is known as machine language.
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    the 2 generation

    The revolution of this generation was the transistor, programmed with advanced languages, were smaller and faster used in flight control and air traffic.
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    the 3 generation

    The discovery in 1958 of the first Integrated Circuit (chip) by engineer Jack S. Kilbry of Texas Instruments, as well as the work carried out by Dr. Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor, about integrated circuits, gave rise to to the third generation of computers.
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    the 4 generation

    In 1971, Intel Corporation, which was a small semiconductor manufacturing company located in Silicon Valley, presents the first 4-bit microprocessor or chip, which in a space of approximately 4 X 5 mm contained 2250 transistors. This first microprocessor was named 4004.
    They appear the microprocessors that are integrated circuits of high density and high speed. PCs are born that revolutionized information technology, directly influencing society.
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    the 5 generation

    In 1971, Intel Corporation, which was a small semiconductor manufacturing company located in Silicon Valley, presents the first 4-bit microprocessor or chip, which in a space of approximately 4 X 5 mm contained 2250 transistors. This first microprocessor was named 4004.
    They appear the microprocessors that are integrated circuits of high density and high speed. PCs are born that revolutionized information technology, directly influencing society.
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    the 6th generation

    The use of networks becomes common, with great speeds and the integration of quality video services, voice and other multimedia data in real time. With the expansion of networks, processing arises in parallel to massive levels in which an infinite number of computers cooperate performing a task (distributed computing and clusters or groups of computers).
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    the 7 generation

    It begins approximately in 1999 in which the LCD2 type flat screens are popularized and the cathode ray beams are put aside, the simple DVDs have been left aside and their competitor is called BLU RAY DISC.
    The generation of high density data storage with a storage capacity that reaches 50 GB, although it has been confirmed that this list can receive 16 layers of 400 GB.