The 50s

By MADarr
  • Invention of The Fender Telecaster

    Invention of The Fender Telecaster
    The Fender Telecaster, an earlier electric guitar, changed guitar production and preference moving forward when it was invented in 1951. All electric guitars up to this point had a hollow body, whereas the Fender Telecaster had a solid body and a removable neck. The bridge on this guitar was also restructured, allowing for musicians to play more in tune. This guitar set the bar for quality in construction of the guitar, as well as performance. Collectors today still enjoy their 1951 Telecasters.
  • Invention of the Transistor Radio

    Invention of the Transistor Radio
    The ability bring the music people loved listening to became possible with the transistor radio in May of 1954. The first model, the Regency TR-1, was crafted in cooperation by Texas Instruments and Industrial Development Engineering Associates. This invention expanded the platform for sharing music with other people, and bringing music to wherever a person desired.