The 30 year war

  • No religious tolerannce

    No religious tolerannce
    Fredrick II had no religious tolerance and claimed that everyone must be Catholic in the Holy Roman Empire when he achieved ruling.
  • Out the window

    Out the window
    Ferdinand's nobles were thrown out his window by Prague's protestants.
  • Start of 30 year war

    Start of 30 year war
    From city debate to European war, many countries fought along France and Spain.
  • Germany no more

    Germany no more
    The Swedish army destroyed more than 1/3 of Germany
  • End of 30 year war

    End of 30 year war
    Peace arrives with France victorious and The Hapsburgs defeated.
  • No Son for The Hapsburgs!

    No Son for The Hapsburgs!
    After the war Charles VI had no son to take over and his daughter was discriminated.
  • Maria Theresa becomes Empress

    Maria Theresa becomes Empress
    After much debate and an arranged marriage, Maria Theresa, son of Charles VI became a ruler.
  • Frederick The Great becomes ruler of Prussia

    Frederick The Great becomes ruler of Prussia
    A very skilled military leader who married and became part of Prussia started gaining more power and military strength.
  • Strengthen of Prussia

    Strengthen of Prussia
    Prussia becomes a stronger and more dominatational country after stronger religious bond between people and government
  • Abusive absolutism

    Abusive absolutism
    Frederick abused of absolutism by using much of the country's self-sustainable economy for his own personal benefits and non efficient investments.