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The 20th century

  • Start of the 20th century music period

    Start of the 20th century music period
    Modernism started because of the end of romantic music. It began with the antecedents of the First World War.
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    Nazi Germany period

    At the moment that Adolf Hitler assumed the post of canciller in Germany, he imposed a Dictatorship which lasted until the end of the WWII
  • Crowning of Queen Elisabeth II

    Crowning of Queen Elisabeth II
    In 1953, Elisabeth II assumed the reign of 7 countries and got crowned.
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    Hippie movement

    The Hippie movement is a trend born in the US around 1960. It lasted 20 years, and with the raise of other kinds of music and cultural movements like Rock&Roll or Electronic Music it became less popular
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    The Beatles

    This band has its origin in Liverpool and lasted until 1970, when it got dissolved. It is one of the most listened bands ever
  • Launch of the theme "Billie Jean" from MIchel Jackson

    Launch of the theme "Billie Jean" from MIchel Jackson
    This song is one of the most popular and iconic songs of the 80s nowadays. It had millions of reproductions and it moved a lot of money
  • Fundation of the European Union

    Fundation of the European Union
    The European Union is a union of different European countries to establish common laws and eliminate boundaries among countries to promote the free international trade
  • End of the 20th century (11s)

    End of the 20th century (11s)
    Although it happened after the 2000s, the terrorist attack in NY on the 11th September 2001 affected thousands of people and shocked the world