The 2000's

  • Xbox

    Inventors: members of Microsoft's multi-media DirectX team
    The Xbox was made up of old dell laptops to create a game console. In todays time it brought families game nights, as well as let people play offline or online with many people around the world. It brought happiness, anger, but also satisfaction.
  • Myspace

    Inventors: Tom Anderson & Chris DeWolfe
    It was a social networking space for family and friends to share and communicate things. It helped connect people from all around the world or just a neighborhood to communicate and share things they were interested in.
  • Opportunity and Spirit Rovers

    Opportunity and Spirit Rovers
    Inventors: NASA
    They were launched (Spirit first then Opportunity in July) to explore and study the planet mars which helped NASA study and learn the geology of mars and which led to further exploration of space and understanding planets(in this case Mars).
  • iPhone

    Inventor: Apple Inc.
    The first iPhone was released that let you use the internet, play music, cell phone, as well as download apps. It was a great invention that helped connect easier to people on the go and use the internet on a small little device with no bulky computer/monitor. Made people happy, excited, and hopeful for the future and its coming inventions to a more high-tech world.
  • Dropbox

    Inventors: Arash Ferdowsi & Drew Houston
    Dropbox was an application that let people use it store/access files and such to use for convenient storage. It helped because it was free but also can be used directly on your computer and just pull up files you had stored.