
The 1980s

  • Conservativism

    Conservatism is opposition to rapid changes, and promotes keeping traditions in society.
  • Reaganomics

    the economic policies of the former US president Ronald Reagan, associated especially with the reduction of taxes and the promotion of unrestricted free-market activity.
  • Moral Majority

    Moral Majority
    Moral Majority, American political organization that was founded in 1979 by Jerry Falwell, a religious leader and televangelist, to advance conservative social values. Although it disbanded in 1989, the Moral Majority helped to establish the religious right as a force in American politics.
  • Iran contra affair

    Iran contra affair
    Iran-Contra Affair, 1980s U.S. political scandal in which the National Security Council (NSC) became involved in secret weapons transactions and other activities that either were prohibited by the U.S. Congress or violated the stated public policy of the government.