The 1980s

By JHK1980
  • Election of 1980

    Election of 1980
    Former actor and Republican Ronald Reagan defeats Democrat Jimmy Carter by a margin of 8 million votes. Though initially a New Deal Democrat, Reagan became disillusioned by liberalism and shifted to the Republican Party after World War II. Reagan firmly won support of the Vietnam War supporters during his gubernatorial campaign, and attacked the flourishing hippie culture. He won easily. Backed by fundamentalists, he promised to increase funding for the military and cut taxes.
  • Iraq- Iran War

    Iraq- Iran War
    Iraq invaded Iran over territorial purposes. Iraq wanted Khuzestan, an oil rich region in Iran for economic purposes. Sense Iran was facing struggles with running their new government, Iraq saw it as a week moment where they would be able to attack. The war ended in 1988 due to a ceasefire.
  • Space Shuttle Columbia Launched

    Space Shuttle Columbia Launched
    Space Shuttle Columbia launched on its STS-1 mission. It was NASA's first space-rated orbiter and first launch in the Space Shuttle Fleet. It was a major success in the beginning and inspired future launches but upon return in 2003, it burned up in Earth's atmosphere killing all 7 crew members and launches were suspended for 2 years.
  • First Woman in the Supreme Court

    First Woman in the Supreme Court
    On July 7th, Ronald Reagan nominated the first woman to the Supreme Court, Sandra Day O' Connor. Originally a judge in Arizona, O'Connor was the first female majority leader of a state senate in that same state. Reagan additionally campaigned with the promise of appointing the first female Supreme Court Justice. She was confirmed by a Senate vote of 99-0 (The senator who didn't vote was absent and later profusely apologized to her for missing the monumental vote)
  • Election of 1984

    Election of 1984
    Reagan easily defeats Democrat Walter Mondale in his reelection bid. An especially popular president, Reagan had a significant advantage over Mondale in the election. Reagan won with a margin of 525 electoral college votes to 13. He won nearly 60% of the popular vote, and only lost Mondale's home state (Minnesota) and DC. Though Reagan won the presidency easily, the GOP made only minor gains in the House and lost two seats in the Senate.
  • Crack Epidemic

    Crack Epidemic
    Due to an influx of cocaine entering the United States in the early 1980s lowering the contraband's price, drug dealers were forced to rethink their business models. Thus, drug dealers began to sell crack cocaine; a solid, smokable form of cocaine that could be sold in smaller quantities for cheaper. In major cities, especially LA and Detroit, one dose would go for as low as $2.50. During the 80s, emergency hospitalization resulting from crack skyrocketed; by 12% in 1885 and 110% in 1986.
  • Iran-Contra Affair

    Iran-Contra Affair
    When he first took office, Reagan made it a goal to support contra rebels in their overthrow of the Sandista Nicaraguan Government. In order to fund this "off the books" support in his second term, he began covertly selling arms to Iran, which was subject to an arms embargo. Furthermore, support of the contras in Nicaragua was blocked by the Boland Amendment. US hostages were also held in Lebanon. This arms sale was in exchange for the efforts of the Iranian government to free the Americans.
  • Tax Reform Act Passed

    Tax Reform Act Passed
    Reagan had simplified the income tax code by lowering the top tax rate from 50% to 28% and raised the bottom from 11% to 15%. Claiming that if the top people had more money they would make better investments, spend more, and save the economy. This failed and only caused further inflation and increase in tax brackets.
  • Election of 1988

    Election of 1988
    Republican George H. W. Bush defeated Democrat Michael Dukakis in the election of 1988 to win the presidency. Bush won by a margin of 426-112 in the electoral college and won 53.4% of the popular vote. Bush attacked Dukakis as being "soft on crime" throughout the election. Dukakis was unable to shift the focus away from this topic. Therefore, as crime became the primary issue in the election, Bush ran on the platform of stricter sentencing and tried to quickly address drug problems.
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    During the Cold War, the Soviet Union took control of west Germany and turned it into a communist country. They cut supply lines from non communistic countries and no one was allowed to cross the border. The wall was put up to keep this from happening. after a long fight for the freedom of the people, the blockade was lifted and finally in 1989, the wall came down.