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The 1980’s

By Kamyia1
  • Rise of Conservatism

    Rise of Conservatism
    Programs that provide guaranteed benefits to a particular group. Fraudulent benefits caused resentment among taxpayers.
  • Moral Majority

    Moral Majority
    Organization of fundamentalism and evangelical Christians that support traditional family values and vote republican
  • Rise of Conservatism

    Rise of Conservatism
    The conservative movement is a term that describes the process through which control of the Republican Party has been taken by people with strong feelings in favor of robust national defense, low taxes, minimum government regulation, and traditional social values.
  • Reganomics

    Reganomics is supply side or trickle-down economics. Government budget cuts and tax cuts. Tax relief for the rich would enable them to spend and invest more. This new spending would stimulate the economy and create new jobs. Reagan believed that a tax cut of this nature would ultimately generate even more revenue for the federal government.
  • Reganomics

    The federal economic polices of the Reagan administration, elected in 1981. These policies combined a monetarist fiscal policy, supply-side tax cuts, and domestic budget cutting. Their goal was to reduce the size of the federal government and stimulate economic growth.
  • Iran Contra Affair

    Iran Contra Affair
    A political scandal in the United States that came to light in November 1986. During the Reagan administration, senior Reagan Administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, the subject of an arms embargo in hopes of securing the release of hostages and allowing U.S. intelligence agencies to fund the Nicaraguan Contras.
  • Iran Contra Affair

    Iran Contra Affair
    The Iran-Contra Affair was a secret U.S. arms deal that traded missiles and other arms to free some Americans held hostage by terrorists in Lebanon, but also used funds from the arms deal to support armed conflict in Nicaragua. The controversial dealmaking—and the ensuing political scandal—threatened to bring down the presidency of Ronald Reagan.