Creation of SNCC
The Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee(SNCC) was created for students active in the Civil Rights Movement. -
First Television Debate
John Kennedy and Richard Nixon went against each other for the first televised debate. -
Kennedy Wins
John Kennedy won the Presidetial election aginst Richard Nixon to become President. -
Boynton v. Virginia
The Supreme Court baned the segregtion of bus atation waiting rooms and restaurants that served intersate travelers. -
By the end of 1960, about 70,000 students had participated in sit-ins and 3,600 had served time in jail. -
Peace Corps
The Peace Corps was a program tht sent volunteers abroad as educators, health worker, and technicians to help developing nations around the world. -
Bay of Pigs
An airstrike failed to destroy Cuba's air force and Kennedy decided to accept defeat rather than continuing a hopeless effort. The Unite States lost a lot of prestige and hurt relationships with other countries. -
Freedom Rides
CORE organized and carried out the Freedom Rides, which were designed to test whether Soutern states would oey the Supreme Court ruling and allow African Americans to exercise the rights newely granted to them. -
Commits to Man on Moon
Kennedy challenges the nation to land a man on the moon within the decade. -
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James Meredith and the University of Mississippi
Meredith with help from the NAACP filed a lawsuit claiming that his application wa turned down on racial ground. The Supreme Court upheld Merediths claim, yet the Mississippi governer declared that Meredith could not enroll. Kennedy the nsent federal marshals to accompny him. -
Kennedy Increase Aid
President Kennedy announces that the United States will increase aid to South Vietnam. -
Environmental Movement
Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring launches the environmental movement.The book told how toxic pesticides like DDT threatened both animals and human beings and raised. Americans’ awareness of environmental threats. Many people were encouraged to take action. There were teach-ins on the environment at thousands of schools and protests and rallies around the country.These activists formed environmental groups. -
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Cuban Missile Crisis
There were photographs taken that showed Cuba was building missiles. President Kennedy assembled it top advisors and went over their options. Kennedy decided on having a quarantine. Eventuall Khrushev sent two letters and Kennedy publicly agreed to the first one, which wa to remove the quarantine and they will remove the missile in Cuba, and rivatly agreed to the second letter, remove the missiles in Turkey and they will remove the misiles in Cuba. -
Modern Women’s Movement
Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique lays the groundwork for the modern women’s movement. The book described how housewives were unhappy with their lives and their roles in
society. Her book helped women to see that they could realize their own potential. -
March On Washington
Over 200,000 people from all over the country came to call for jobs and freedom. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a dream" speech here and his words echoed around the country. -
Diem's Fall
Kennedy realised hat comunism could not be won under Diems rule. United States Official said they wouldn't care if Diem was overthrown. With that, the South Vietnam Military controled the government nd killed Diem. -
Kennedy's Asassination
During a motorcade in Dallas promoting himself for reelection, President Kennedy was shot and killed. -
Johnson becomes President
90 minutes after president Kennedy was killed, Lyndon Johnon was sworn in as President on Air Force One. -
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Warren Commission
President Johnson appointed a commision to determine who killed President Kennedy and what had happened that day. They later stated Harvey Oswald had killed Kennedy by himself. -
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Great Society Legislation
President Johnson set up programs to try and help American citizens. Some of the programs were Hedstart, Medicare, Medicade, and the Immigration Act of 1965 just to name a few. -
Twenty-Fourth Amendment
This amendment outlawed the poll tax, which was still being used in Southern States. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
This act allowed federal officials to regster voters in places where local officials were blocking registration by african Americans. The act also eliminated literacy tests and other bariers. -
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination by private employers,employment agencies, and unions based on sex, race, religion, or national origin. This gave womenthe legal framework to challenge discrimination which was important as the women’s movement got stronger. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Wit the North Vietnamese attacking our ships, Johnson asked Congre for a resolution that "covered everything." Johnson now had complete control over what the United States did in Vietnam. -
Wilderness Act
The Wilderness Act designated lands to be maintained and perserved for public enjoyment. -
Free Speech Movement
Thouands of irate students took over the university administration building becuase the chool wouldn't let them distribute civil right leaflets. Tha night police moved in and arrested about 700 students. -
Selma March
State Trooper attacked the Marcher. President Johnson used federal force to protect the route from Selma to Montogomery, and thousands joined the march, which was designed to call attention to the issue of voting rights. -
Teach-In Movement
The first Teach-In took place at the University of Michiagan when a group of faculty members decided to make a public statement against the war. Some professors tought a special night session and several thousand people showed up. -
Bombing Begins
For the first time, 28 B-52s bombed the concentrated forests in South Vietnam that the Viet Cong were hiding in. -
Consumer Protection Movement
Ralph Nadar’s Unsafe at Any Speed starts the consumer protection movement.This book came from the government report he had written about the need for automobile safety regulations. He said that the automobile industry knew about the dangers but kept building cars without fixing them in order to save money. This led to passage of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act. -
Modern Grassroots Environmental Movement
A court ruling known as the Scenic Hudson Decision launched the modern grassroots environmental movement. American citizens won the legal right to present evidence in court that a project could harm the environment and launched the modern grassroots environmental movement. The case involved more than 20,000 citizens who banded together to stop a proposed hydroelectric power project from defacing New York’s Storm King Mountain. This was the first time a court had decided that protection -
National Organization for Women(NOW)
A group of 28 women came together and established NOW. Their goal was to take action to bring American women into full participation in the mainstream of American society. -
Tet Offensive
During the Vietnamese New Year, the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese launched a major offensive, suprise attacking major cities, towns, and military base throughout South Vietnam. -
My Lai Massacre
The united States infantry company moved in to clear out a village that was said to have Viet Cong members. They didn't find any soldiers, all they found were women, children, and old men. The Lieutenant in charge gave the command for the prisoners to be killed. -
Johnson Decides Not to Run
President Johnson declared dramatially in a nationally televised speech that he would not run for another term as President. -
Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination
King had traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to offer assistance to striking garbage workers who were seeking better working conditions. King stood on the balcony of his motel and was shot and killed. -
Nixon Wins
Richard Nixon beat out Hubert Humphry to become President. -
Santa Barbara oil Spill
An oil platform blowout in Santa Barbara, California, spilled millions of gallons of crude oil into the ocean. Oil covered beaches and killed thouands of birds and other wildlife. This event caused Americns to support actions to protect the environment. -
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Woodstock Music and Art Fair
About 40,000 peopl from all strands of the counterculture came together in Bethel, New York to listen to the major bands of the rock world. -
There was another festival held at the Altamont Speedway in California. This festival went bad when the Hell's Angels, hired by the Rolling Stone, beat a man to death. This showed that the era of peace and love would not last forever.