Soviets shoot down american spy plane
U-2, a powerful spy [lane was shoot down by the Soviets it was spying on. -
The U.S. Provides the first official help to south Vietnam, landing soldiers on the ground,
Berlin wall is built
The Berlin wall was made official, seperating east and west berlin as it would for the next 27 years -
Holocaust Leader Adolf Eichman, sentenced to death for crimes against Humanity
On May 31st 1962, Adolf Eichman Was sentenced to death by a court, that not only was in Isreal, but also had a jury and judge that were all Jews. -
Bay of pigs starts
Bay of pigs ends
200,000 people listen to the "I Have A Dream Speech" At Washington D.C.
Kennedy Assanation
Beatles become popular in America
First Heart Transplant bt Christiaan Barnard
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Israel Wins what could have been a huge battle... in just seven days
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