1960s 300x271

The 1960's

  • Inventions of the 60's

    Inventions of the 60's
    many important and non-important inventions were made including; 1960- the halogen lamp
    1961- Valium
    1962- the audio cassett, Space Wars - first computer game
    1963- the video disk
    1964- acrylic paint, the first comp. language "BASIC"
    1965- Astroturf, Soft Contact Lenses, the computer disk
    1966- electric fuel injection
    1967- first handheld calculator
    1968- the computer mouse
    1969- artificial heart, the atm, and the barcode scanner
  • Period: to

    1960 - 1969 Decade

  • Election of 1960

    Election of 1960
    Historic election between Republican and Eisenhower vice-president Richard Nixon versus Massachusetts Senator John F. Kennedy. During the election were the first televised debates in American history and the election results brought some controversy over whether or not there was voter fraud, particularly in the Democratic stronghold of Chicago
  • John Lennon (The Beatles)

    John Lennon (The Beatles)
    john lennon form the beatles with his friend McCarthy. they were widely known and a hit from the start. From 1965 on, the Beatles produced what many critics consider their finest material, including the innovative and widely influential albums Rubber Soul (1965), Revolver (1966), Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967), The Beatles (1968), and Abbey Road (1969). After their break-up in 1970, John lennon was shot and killed in 1980
  • First Rocket to the Moon

    First Rocket to the Moon
    the purpose of this even was to take television pictures of the lunar surface to broadcast it to earth. the rocket was designed to crash land on the moon for the sake of the mission. the pictures were taken and showed to the US when the mission was over.
  • The Radical 60's

    The Radical 60's
    Black powr became a part of society and a new focus of the civil rights movement in the 1960s, other groups were made due to being impatient with incremental reforms. student activists became "Radical". they started to bomb and set schools on fire because of the slow process of the reform. culture changed turning mainly every group to, what people say, "hippies". they grew their hair long and practiced "free love" this is undder the category of "culture"
  • The War in Vietnam ( the draft)

    The War in Vietnam ( the draft)
    in 1964, Congress authorized the president to take "all necessary measures" to protect American Soldiers and their allies from the Communist Vietnamise congress. this is under the category of "military"
  • The Great Society

    The Great Society
    After JFK was killed, President Lyndon B. Johnson enacted upon the Expansion of reform programs. also known as the great society, which meant a place where poverty and racial injustice had no place. Some programs developed were, Medicare and Medicaid, to help lower income citizens to pay for healthcare. and a Job corpse was founded helping unskilled citizens to find jobs. this was under the category of "political"
  • Style Change #RealSwag

    Style Change #RealSwag
    once everyone was going into the Love and Peace age practicing Free love, the style of clothing changed among americans. "hippies" is what the style has changed to. longer hair, longer shirts, crazy pants, overall psychodelic clothing rant.
  • The First Satellite

    The First Satellite
    on April 6th of 1966 the first Commercial Satellite was sent into space. Commercial satellites are usually only for cellular devices and companies not runned by the government. this is under the category of "technological"
  • Woodstock

    in the summer of 1969, over 400,000 people stormed into the 3 day woodstock festival in upstate New York. this represented the best of the Peace-and-Love Generation. this goes under the category of "Social"