The 1940s

  • Franklin Roosevelt is elected as President for his third term

    Franklin Roosevelt is elected as President for his third term
    Roosevelt believed it was his duty to continue serving as president to get the US out of this hard time. He defeated Wendell Wilkie in the general election and ran for his third term.
  • Lend-Lease Act is approved

    Lend-Lease Act is approved
    With this act, the president was now able to "sell, tranfer title to, exchange, lease, lend or dispose of, to any such goverment."
  • Mount Rushmore is completed

    Mount Rushmore is completed
    Mount Rushmore is a rock carving of the important presidents in our US historyThe presidents on Mount Rushmore are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abe Lincoln
  • Manhattan Project begins

    Manhattan Project begins
    The making of the first atomic bomb
  • Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
    The attack on Pearl Harbor pulled the US into World War II. Over 2,300 people were killed at Pearl Harbor
  • Executive order 9066 is signed

    Executive order 9066 is signed
    Executive order 9066 ordered Japanese-Americans to be held in relocation camps. Japanese-American communities were sent to concentration camps because of their race.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Yamamoto wanted to destroy the US by attacking by the Pacific. The Battle of Midway was the biggest turning point of World War II
  • Detroit, Michigan Race Riots

    Detroit, Michigan Race Riots
    An Aftrican American and white Detroiters fought, rumors spread, and more of these two races joined in the fighting.
  • D-Day (Operation Overlord)

    D-Day (Operation Overlord)
    The allies landed in the normandy area. The night before, Allied planes dropped thousands of paratroopers behind German lines. Nearly 425,000 Allied and German roops were killed,wounded, or missing.
  • G.I. Bill of Rights signed into law

    G.I. Bill of Rights signed into law
    Impacted US economically and physically, but almost never passed.
  • Americans land at Iwo Jima

    Americans land at Iwo Jima
    Navy's big guns opened up on Iwo Oima again.
  • Harry S. Truman becomes President

    Harry S. Truman becomes President
    Harry Truman told reporters, "I felt like the moon, the stars, and all the planets had fallen on me."
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    Germany signed an unconditional surrender at allied France to take effect the following day.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Atomic bombs, about 20.000 tons of TNT. The bombs flattened the city and killled tens of thousands of people.
  • First meeting of the United Nations General Assembly

    First meeting of the United Nations General Assembly
    Comprising 51 nations met for the first time and established its rules of Prcedure.
  • National Basketball Association of America is founded

    National Basketball Association of America is founded
    17 Frenchises located in a mix of large and small cities, large arenas and smaller gymnasiams and arnonies.
  • Jackie Robinson debuts at first base

    Jackie Robinson debuts at first base
    Played against Boston Braves, over 25,000 spectaters were at the field. He played first base and went zero for three at bat.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Assistence Act authorized the creation of a program that would be nations of Europe.
  • President Truman is re-elected

    President Truman is re-elected
    Truman had one of the most stunning political comebacks in American History
  • NATO is formed

    NATO is formed
    Combined efforts between USA. The ones involved in NATO were Britain and France to keep the city alive