The 1920s

  • Red Summer

    Red Summer
    Red Summer was throughout the United States from late winter to early autumn in 1919. Red Summer consisted of white supremacist terrorism and racial riots and people murdering African Americans(Red Summer of 1919). This event affected the 1920s politically. This was political because everything didn't like African Americans for biased opinions. This caused more hate towards African Americans.
  • Washington DC Riot

    Washington DC Riot
    Washington DC had 5,000 black veterans and a lot of white people wanted to kill them and it resulted in 4 days of mob violence, around 40 people killed, and the riots spread to Chicago(Washington Race Riot of 1919).
  • The Red Scare

    The Red Scare
    Americans feared immigrants because they weren’t from there because of the Red Scare. This caused limitations on immigration and Congress passed an immigration law that was meant to limit the number of immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe(The Government Responds). The 1920s were affected politically. The Red Scare affected the 1920s politically because the law was made against immigrants to constrict them.
  • Consumerism

    Consumerism is the promotion of consumers' interests. Consumerism increased a lot in the 1920s. Consumerism became a strong part of American society because the national income rose in the 1920s and people had more money to spend and there was a lot more advertisement everywhere(The Roaring 20s). The 1920s was affected economically. Consumerism affected the 1920s economically in that way. This became an economic problem in the future.
  • Music, Literature, and Art

    Music, Literature, and Art
    Music, Literature, and Art affected the 1920s socially/culturally. There was more African American art during the 1920s because people were interested in a rapidly changing modern world(Harlem Renaissance). Jazz was very popular during the 1920s and African Americans created jazz music and it is part of their culture as well. Louis Armstrong was one of the most popular Jazz musicians. A lot of different writers work was published in a mainstream magazine like Harpers.
  • Flappers

    Women in the 1920s who went against the acceptable behavior for women during that time and listened to jazz, wore short skirts, and bobbed their hair(How Flappers of the 1920s Redefined Womanhood).
  • Buying on the Margin

    Buying on the Margin
    Buying on the Margin was one of the causes of the Great Depression. Buying stocks on the Margin involves borrowing money and banks and investors didn’t secure themselves affectionately which was a factor to the Great Depression (Great Depression Powerpoint).
  • Farms Decline

    Farms Decline
    Farms Decline was another main cause of the Great Depression. Farms decline was another cause of the Great Depression because there was overproduction of crops and no money for people to buy them which, caused farms to lose a lot of money(Great Depression Powerpoint).
  • Period: to

    The 1920s

  • The Start of Prohibition

    The Start of Prohibition
    The 18th amendment was added to the constitution because people wanted to stop the consumption of alcohol, transportation of alcohol, and the sale of alcohol(Temperance and Prohibition). Prohibition affected the U.S. socially/culturally because people wanted to close dangerous saloons, cut crime in half, improve public health, cleanse the race of birth defects, and reduce poverty specifically the "drys".
  • Womens Rights

    Womens Rights
    Women started fighting for their rights. This change came about because women in the past fought for the change and worked hard for it. Margaret Sanger and Alice Stoke Paul were important rights advocates of that time(Women's Rights). This was a positive political change for women because it allowed more freedom for them and what they wanted.
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    Relocation of more than 6 million African Americans from the South to cities in the North(Great Migration).
  • Transportation

    Transportation started affecting the 1920s economically. Cars made it more convenient for Americans to transport themselves to different places. New industries developed because of cars like gas stations and motels. The only problems were that there was a lot of use of gasoline and more road construction and people were spending a lot more affecting the economic state of the 1920s.
  • Tusla Massacre

    Tusla Massacre
    The town of Greenwood was nearly destroyed around June 1921(Tusla Massacre). The town was looted and burned down by white rioters. The Tusla Massacre affected the Social/Cultural state of the U.S. because more hate was being put against African-Americans and affecting people's views on them. It also affected the culture of the town of Greenwood.
  • The Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance
    The Harlem Renaissance was the movement of African-American art becoming popular which started in New York City. The Harlem Renaissance affected the social/cultural state of the U.S because people started liking more books, music, and art which gave more appreciation to African-Americans(Harlem Renaissance).
  • Overproduction of Goods

    Overproduction of Goods
    Overproduction of goods was one of the main causes of the Great Depression. This was one of the main causes of the Great Depression because factories and farms were producing more goods than people could buy. Farm products prices also dropped so farmers couldn’t support their farms to make more as well(Great Depression Powerpoint).
  • The Scopes Monkey Trial

    The Scopes Monkey Trial
    The Scopes Trial was a public trial because a high school teacher John Scopes violated state law because he was teaching Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.Southern and Rural preachers didn't believe in what he did.The trial was also meant to draw publicity to a small town, which it did.Scopes was found guilty and he was fined 100$(The Scopes Monkey Trial). This event changed the 1920s politically. This changed the 1920s politically because it caused a lot of discussion for political events.
  • Laissez-Faire Government Policies

    Laissez-Faire Government Policies was another cause of the great depression. This was another cause because it meant the government wouldn’t deal with its intervention with the economy as much. It was said at the time that too much interference would cause the normal states for the USA to not return to normal(Great Depression Powerpoint).
  • Start of the Great Depression

  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Black Tuesday was a major stock market crash and affected the 1920s economically. Share prices on the New York Stock Exchange collapsed(Stock Market Crash of 1929) This affected the 1920s economically because a lot of shares were traded and sold off which led to the Great Depression(Black Tuesday).