
The 18th century

  • Queen Anne's death

    Queen Anne's death
  • George the Protestant became King

    George the Protestant became King
    George defeated James III in a rebellion
  • Alliance between France and Spain

    Pacte de Famille, English Family Compact, any of three defensive alliances (1733, 1743, and 1761) between France and Spain. (
  • National British song was written

    “Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the
    waves, Britons ne ver never never shall be slaves.”
    It expresses British pride.
  • Period: to

    War of the Austrian Succession

    Concerning control of the Austrian Empire. (
  • Highlanders revolt in Scotland

    James Il's grandson, Prince Charles Edward Stuart, better known as "Bonny Prince Charlie", landed on the west coast of Scotland. His army of Highlanders entered Edinburgh and defeated an English army.
  • Highlanders were defeated

    Highlanders were defeated
    Bonny Prince Charlie's army were defeated by the British army
    at Culloden.
    Highlanders’ traditional kilt and musical instruments were forbidden. (
  • Period: to

    Newspapers increasement

    Newspapers increased the amount of public political discussion .
  • The seven years war - Britain and Prussia against France

    The seven years war - Britain and Prussia against France
    The Seven Years’ War was a conflict between France and Great Britain that began in 1754 as a dispute over North American land claims in the region around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This conflict eventually spread into other parts of world, including Europe, Africa, and Asia. When the Treaty of Paris ended the war in 1763, France ceded Canada over to England and India became an English colony (
  • British conquest and treats in India

    Britain defeated France and eventually went on to control most of India by conquest or treaty with the princes.
  • George III became King.

    George III became King.
    He became heir to the throne on the death of his father in 1751, succeeding his grandfather, George II, in 1760. He was the third Hanoverian monarch.
    He died at Windsor Castle on 29 January 1820, after a reign of almost 60 years - the third longest in British history (
  • Peace treaty with France

    George III made peace with France. Britain did this without informing its ally Frederick the Great's Prussia, which was left to fight France alone.
  • John Wilkes attacked the government

    John Wilkes attacked the government
    MP John Wilkes did not like George III government. When George III made peace with France in 1763 with out telling his ally Frederick of Prussia, Wilkes printed a srrong attack on the government in his own newspaper, "The North Briton".
    Wilkes was arrested, imprisoned and tried and he won the case. He became the most popular man in London. (
  • Querrel in America

    Serious quarrel over taxation between the British government and its colonies in America.
    Some American colonists decided that it was not lawful for the British to tax them without their agreement.
  • “Orange Lodges” were formed in Ireland

    During the reign of William of Orange, these societies which were against any freedom for the Catholics were created.
  • “The Boston Teaparty” rebellion in America

    “The Boston Teaparty” rebellion in America
    A group of colonists at the port of Boston threw a shipload of tea into the sea rather than pay tax on it. (
  • Amercian War of Independence

    Amercian War of Independence
    It lasted from 1775 until 1783. The result of the war was a disastrous defeat for the British government. It lost everything except for Canada.
  • Ireland was united with England

    Ireland was united with England
    Dublin parliament closed. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland lasted for 120 years. (