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The 13 original colonies!!!!

  • 1500 BCE

    Slave Trade

    Slave Trade
    Translation slave trade begins.
  • Period: 1500 to

    The 13 original colonies!!!!

  • 1565

    Spain's Forts

    Spain's Forts
    Spain builds a fort at St.Augustine
  • Roanoke

    Queen Elizabeth allowed Walter Raleigh to send over 100 men from England to Roanoke island.
  • Jamestown

    English colonists arrive in Jamestown.
  • Plymouth,Massachusetts

    Pilgrims found the colony of Plymouth in Massachusetts.
  • First Thanksgiving

    First Thanksgiving
    Pilgrims invited the native Americans to a three-five day feast to show thanks.
  • Massachusetts Bay

    Massachusetts Bay
    England set up the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • The Fight

    The Fight
    Metacon leads fight against settlers.
  • William Penn

    William Penn
    William Penn found the colony Pennsylvania.
  • Southern Colonies

    Southern Colonies
    Southern Colonies began to rely on slave labor.