
The 13 colonies

  • Sep 8, 1565

    Spanish settlement at st.Augustine

    Spanish settlement at st.Augustine
    First permanent Spanish settlement was established in St.Augustine
    on September 8,1565
  • Roanoke colony disappears (the lost colony)

    Roanoke colony disappears (the lost colony)
    The Roanoke colony know as "the lost colony" people don't know what really happened there where many theories of what happened to the Roanoke colony but a lot of people say that they where killed by Native Americans or hostile Spaniards or that they died of disease or famine or even a deadly storm hit and killed them.
    disappeared in 1587
    leader returned in 1590
  • Period: to

    Colonial Events

    1607-founded Jamestown Virgina
    1609-Henry Hudson sails into New York harbor
    1614-dutch claim's new Netherlands
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown settlement was established on may 4th 1607 and became the first permanent English settlement in North America.
  • Pocahontas and John Rolfe

    Pocahontas and John Rolfe
    Pocahontas and John Rolfe got married on April 5,1614
  • House of Burgesses formed

    House of  Burgesses formed
    the House of Burgesses was formed on July 30,1619. It was established by Gov. George Yeardly in Jamestown.
  • Plymouth colony

    Plymouth colony
    the Plymouth colony was founded in 1620 and it was the first permanent colony of Massachusetts.
  • first Thanksgiving feast is held

    first Thanksgiving feast is held
    The pilgrims celebrated the first thanksgiving and was held at Plymouth Plantation in 1621.
  • Pennsylvania colony

    Pennsylvania colony
    William Penn established Pennsylvania in 1682. William Penn received land from Charles ll of England in 1681 and then named it Pennsylvania.
  • new jersey

    new jersey
    New Jersey colony was founded on December 18,1787. the New Jersey colony was know as the breadbasket colony because they grew a lot of wheat.
  • North Carolina founded

    North Carolina founded
    North Carolina colony was founded in November 21,1789.
    North Carolina was a province of Great Britain that existed in North America.