
The 13 Colonies

  • First English Settlement

    This was the first English Settlement in the New World on the Ranoeke Island.
  • Colony Vanishes

    The entire English Colony on the Ranoeke island has vanished, with different theories.
  • Division of the Atlantic Seaboard

    King James | divides the Atlantic Seaboard
  • England Sends 3 Ships to Virgina

    The London Company sends three ships filled with 144 men to Virgina, the Godspeed, the Discovery and the Susan Constant.
  • Arrival to Chesapeake Bay creates Jamestown

    The English reached the Chesapeake Bay, and arrived 60 miles up the James River, where they built the settlement named Jamestown.
  • Virginia Learns to Grow Tobacco

  • African Slaves Arrive in Virginia

  • First English Pilgrims Arrive in Plymouth

  • Virginia Becomes Royal Colony

    Thanks to the King, of course!
  • Dutch Traders' Land is Taken By the King

    King Charles II gives land between New England and Virginia to his brother, the Duke of York.
  • Connecticut and New Haven Combined

  • The Giving King

    King gifts William Penn with 45,000 sq. miles of land west of Delaware River. William Penn already owned lots of land in Ireland.
  • Southern Colonies Split

  • The Georgia Colony Establishes

    Bothered by the idea of living unprotected from the Spanish territory, James Oglethorpe, an Englishman, established Georgia the Colony