The 13 Colonies

By nansl
  • The March of 100 Men

    The March of 100 Men
    Queen Elizabeth allowed Raleigh to send 100 men from England to Roanoke Island.
  • The 15 Dead Men

    The 15 Dead Men
    They found the 15 men in the fort where killed.
  • The War is Over Now

    The War is Over Now
    The Spanish War was over but when he returned no body was there and the word Crotah was carved on a nearby tree.
  • The 100 People

    The 100 People
    A group of 100 people landed on Virginia Chesapeke Bay.
  • The Return

    The Return
    Captin Smith returned and became the 3rd.
  • The House of Burrgeses

    The House of Burrgeses
    The house of Burrgeses were established.
  • The Pilgrims

    The Pilgrims
    The Pilgrims were sailing on the Mayflower.
  • The first Thanksgiving

    The first Thanksgiving
    Pilgrims and Whampnogs celebrated the first Thanksgiving.
  • England

    England captured a duch colony.
  • King Charel 2nd

    King Charel 2nd
    King Charel 2 allowed William quaker to practice and brild a colony in New Jersey.