
The 13 Colonies

By sboss
  • Virginia

    John Smith founded Viriginia. John Smith wanted colonist to find gold in America and ship it back to England.
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire
    Ferdinando Gorges founded New Hampshire. Ferdinando Gorges founded New Hampshire because he wanted a place where people could earn money by fishing.
  • Massachusets

    William Bradford and John Winthrop Founded Massachusetts. William and John founded Massachusets because they wanted to gain relgious freedom.
  • Maryland

    Cecilius Carvert Founded Maryland. Cecilius Carvert founded Maryland for christains to worship freeley.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Roger Williams founded Rhode Island. Roger founded Rhode Island for religious freedom.
  • Connecticut

    Thomas Hooker founded Connecticut. Thomas Hooker founded Connecticut so men could vote freeley.
  • Delaware

    William Penn founded Delaware. William Penn founded Delaware because he wanted the Pennsylvania colony to have a direct passage way to the Atlantic Ocean.
  • New York

    New York
    James,the Duke of York founded New York. James founded New York to make money.
  • Pennsylvania

    William Penn founded Pennsylvania. William Penn hoped to start a new colonie
  • New Jersey

    New Jersey
    John Berkeley and George Carter founded New Jersey. They wanted money off the state.
  • North Carolina

    North Carolina
    8 lord proprietors founded North Carolina. They founded North Carolina because they wanted to help England control southearstern North America.
  • South Carolina

    South Carolina
    8 Different English investors founded South Carolina. They founded South Carolina because they wanted to help England control southeastern North America.
  • Georgia

    James Oglethorpe founded Georgia. James founded Georgia for a place for poor people and debators.