The 13 colonies

the 13 colonies

  • Virginia

    Founded by John Smith. Founded because he wanted setlers to find gold.
  • Massachusetts

    Founded by William Bradford and John Winthorp.Founded because they wanted to form comunities where they could follow the rules of the bible and serve their god.
  • Maryland

    Founded by Cecilius Calvert.Founded because he wanted people to enjoy relgious freedom.
  • Connecticut

    Founded by Thomas Hooker.Founded because he wanted to form a new community where men could vote,even if they weren`t church members.
  • Delaware

    Founded by William Penn.Founded because he wanted a clear passage to the atlantic.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Founded by Roger Williams.He fouded this Island because he wanted people to worship freely.
  • North Carolina

    North Carolina
    Founded by eight diffrent english ivestars.Founded because they wanted it for investment oppotuity.
  • New York

    New York
    Founded by James the duke of york.Founded because he wanted to make money from there colonies.
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire
    Founded by Thomas Hooker.He founded because he wanted to form a community where men could vote, even if they weren`t church members.
  • New Jersey

    New Jersey
    Founded by John Berkeley and Geogre Carteret.Founded because they wanted to make money from their colonies.
  • Pennsylvania

    Founded by William Penn.Founded because he wanted to start a colony where all christians could live together in peace.
  • South Carolina

    South Carolina
    Founded by eight lord proprietors.Founded because they wanted farm land.
  • Georgia

    Founded by James Edward Ogletharpe.Founded because he wanted to establish a colony that would support the impoverished.