The 13 colonies

The 13 Colonies

  • virginia

    it was founded by powhantans and resion was because whenthey relized that there was no gold there,money started plantaishions on the rich soil of the tide water.
  • massachusetts

    it was founded by jhone winthrop and it was founded so the purtians could set sail in march1 allowing enough time to plant crops ones they came to america.
  • rhode island

    rhode island
    it was founded by roger williams and the resion was so there people could worship freely and keep the government seperate from the church.
  • new hamshire

    new hamshire
    it was founded by thomas hooker and the resion why is so colonists could look for good farm land and started other towns in the area.
  • connecticut

    it was founded by Tomas hooker and the resion was because other colonies from massachusets bay moved north and settled the area that became new hampshire and main.
  • mary land

    it was founded by king charles2 and the resion was because the mary land government passed the toletion act.
  • new york

    it was founded by jhon berkie and georg carteret and the resion was that jhon berkie and georg carteret divided the land eqully so they can start there own colony.
  • delaware

    it was founded by william penn the resion was because penn hoped to start a colony where all christans could live together in peace.
  • pennsylvania

    it was founded by william penn and the resion was that so the duk of york later gave penn even more land.
  • new jersey

    it was founded by jhon berley and the resion was that they wanted to make money for there colonie.
  • south carolina

    founded by charles2 it was founded because the city of charles town, later called charles town grew largand weathy.
  • north carolina

    founded by charles2 it was founded because the city of charles town, later calledcharles town grew larg and weathy
  • georgia

    founded by george3 it was founded because he offered them a free trip to georgia and small farms of there own.