The 13 colonies

The 13 Colonies

By aarnold
  • Virginia

    The London Company founded Virginia. The reason why was to search for gold.
  • Massachusetts

    The Puritans founded Massachusetts. The reasen he founded it was he wannted to form communities where they could follow the rules of the Bible and serve their God.
  • Maryland

    George Calvert founded Maryland. The reason why was the indians were in need of land and Maryland was the best recorce.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams. The reason why he founded it was for people could have theire own religious believe.
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire
    New Hampshire was founded by Thomas Hooker. He founded it because he did not like some of the rules made by the puritan leaders.
  • Conneticut

    Thomas Hooker founded Conneticut. He founded it because he did not like some of the rules made by Puritan leaders.
  • New York

    New York
    the King of England founded New York. He founded it because he ownd his brother land.
  • New Jersey

    New Jersey
    King of England founded New Jersy.He gave it to his brother.
  • Pennsylvania

    William Penn founded Pennsylvania. He founded it because for all christians could live in peace.
  • Delaware

    Wiliam Penn founded Delaware. The reasone they found it was for religes bilieves.
  • Noth Carolina

    Noth Carolina
    King Charles the second.The reason why was to keep france and spain out of the area.
  • South Carolina

    South Carolina
    King Charles the second founded. The reasond why he thought it would help keep spain out of the area.
  • Georgia

    King goerge the third founded Georgia. The reason why to keep the spanish, French away from South Caralina.