Virginia was founded
John Smith was searching for gold but none turned up -
New Hampshire was founded
John Mason founded it for a fishing colony -
New York was founded
New York was founded by the Duke of York because the English captured the Dutch -
Massachusetts was founded
John Winthrop founded for religious freedom -
Connecticut was founded
Thomas Hooker did not like the rules of the Puirtan leaders -
Rhode Island was Founded
Roger Williams founded it so they could worship freely -
Delaware was founded
New Sweeden was part of New Netherlandwhen the Duke of York took over New Sweeden became Delaware byPeter minut -
Maryland was founded
King Charles I gave land to Cecelious Calvert -
Pennsylvania was founded
William Penn got the land in the New World because the king owed his dad money and in return the king gave William got land. -
New Jersey was founded
The duke of York gave two of his friends John Barkeley and George Carteret they made east & west Jersey then in 1702 it became New Jersey -
North Carolina was founded
King Chales II had it so the French and Spanishout of the area -
South Carolina was founded
King Charles II wanted the French and Spanish out of the area -
Georgia was founded
King George III wanted to keep the French and Spanish out of the area