The 13 colonies

The 13 Colonies

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    The 13 Colonies

  • Virginia, The London Company fponded virginanduring the reign of James they founded it because when king james Irevoked the charter of the baankrupt Virginia Company

    Virginia, The London Company fponded virginanduring the reign of James they founded it because when king james Irevoked the charter of the baankrupt Virginia Company
    The person who founded the colony was the london Compant founded Virginia during the reign of James The 1.when king james revoked the charter of the bankrupt Virginia Company.
  • Massachusetts, the person who founded Massachusetts was Separatist-Puritans they founded it because of a refuge in America where they could createa home for themaellves

  • New Hampshire, founded by Jhon Mason, founded because he sent settlersto the new territory to create a fishing colony

    The person whofounded New Hampshire was John Mason.He sent settlers to the new territory to create a fishing colony
  • Maryland, was founded by Lord Baltimore founded because Religious freedom for different sects of Christianity was widespread.

  • Connecticut,founded by Tomas Hooker foundeed because they were looking for moe freedom and financial opportunities

  • Rhode Island,founded by Roger Wiliams founded because his belifs in separation of church and state and freedom of religion

  • Delaware,founded by William Penn founded because they never made slavery illegal and never quit the Union either.

  • South Carolina founded by Virginias because of internal problems the crown took over the colont and formed North Carolina.

  • South Carolina, it was founded by eight nobles with a royal Charter from Charles II they founded it because og internal problems the Crown took over the Colony and formed North Carolina.

  • New Jersey,founded by Jhon Berkeley and sir George Carteret founded because the two advertised and promised settlers benefis for Colonizing including representative government and freedom of religon

  • New York, founded by Duke of York founded to helpunite the colonies for defense against the Iroquois Confederancy

  • Pennsylvvania, founded by William Penn founded because he wanted a colony thatallowed for freedom of religion

  • Georgia,The person who founded Georgia was James Ogle thorpe founded the colony.It served as a place where debtors in prison could go to start a new and it served as a barrier against Spanish expansion from Florida.

    The personwho founded Georgia was James Ogle thorpe founded the colony.It served as a place where debtors in prisoncould go to start anew and it served as a barrier against Spanish expansion from Florida.