13 colonies picture

The 13 Colonies

  • Delaware William Penn After the English seized new sweden in 1664 the leaders of new york govern

  • Virginia,Jahn Smith King James gave the Virgina company of London a prorietary charder in 1606 to eslabish the colony Vergina.

  • Massachuetts John Winthrop wonted to form a communities where thay can follow the rules of the bible and serve their god.

  • Maryland Cecilius Calvert during that time most people in england consiter them self puritans.

  • New Hampshire Tomas Hooker didn't like the rules made by Puritan leaders.

  • Connectict Tomas Hooker wanted to form a comunity were all man could vote.

  • Rhode Island Roger Williams he felt the leader of Massachuetts was abusing their power.

  • Carolinas, King Charels I north and South Carilina started out as one taritory both colonies started out as one

  • New York Petter Minuit leaders from the neatherlands had hired hutson to explore that regon of north amarica.

  • Pennsylvania William Penn the elder penn died so king charels II gave young Penn land instad of money

  • New Jersey John Berkley& George Corert After the england clamed victory the duke of york gave a peace of land to his friends John and George.

  • Georgia James Oglethorpe the history of Georgia links to the colonizing of Carolina as well as Florda.