Delaware William Penn After the English seized new sweden in 1664 the leaders of new york govern
Virginia,Jahn Smith King James gave the Virgina company of London a prorietary charder in 1606 to eslabish the colony Vergina.
Massachuetts John Winthrop wonted to form a communities where thay can follow the rules of the bible and serve their god.
Maryland Cecilius Calvert during that time most people in england consiter them self puritans.
New Hampshire Tomas Hooker didn't like the rules made by Puritan leaders.
Connectict Tomas Hooker wanted to form a comunity were all man could vote.
Rhode Island Roger Williams he felt the leader of Massachuetts was abusing their power.
Carolinas, King Charels I north and South Carilina started out as one taritory both colonies started out as one
New York Petter Minuit leaders from the neatherlands had hired hutson to explore that regon of north amarica.
Pennsylvania William Penn the elder penn died so king charels II gave young Penn land instad of money
New Jersey John Berkley& George Corert After the england clamed victory the duke of york gave a peace of land to his friends John and George.
Georgia James Oglethorpe the history of Georgia links to the colonizing of Carolina as well as Florda.