300 BCE
Aristoleles, the first man to think about the robots
The greek philosopher Aristoles, was the first man to think about having non-human tools to serve for his needs. -
The word "Robot" was invented
The word "robot" was first used i 1921. It originates from the Czech language and means servant or worker. -
The first computers were born
During the second World War european countries started to develope computers, which they then connected to their war-machines and used the for the war. -
The first robot was made
The americans developed a robot which were able to weld steel. It was used in the car-industry in factories. -
The birth of R2D2
The most famous robot in the film universe and most often the front figure of the Star Wars saga. The 96 cm tall robot, is known for his different tools and ways of always saving the day. He was featured in the Star Wars saga from the first film - A new hope in 1977. -
Google was invented.
The most influentual search machine ever. It changed the way our society works! -
Spirit and Opportunity
In the ending of 2003 the two Mars-rovers were launched towards Mars. Their job was to explore the chemical and biological circumstances at Mars. Their mission were extended at several times but in 2019 the mission was finally cancelled due to lost contact to both robots. -
Facebook was made
Facebook, the biggest social media, with users all around the world. -
Tesla - the revolution of the car industry
In 2003 Tesla was founded. The company has since 2008, then revoulutionized the car-industry. The company is well known for their futuristic designs and their technologies implented being way in front of all other companies. The car-industries answer to Apple. -
Honda Asimo
The Asimo robot made by Honda in 2000 is to this day still the robot that has been the best of its kind at immitating human movement. The robot was able to run, distinguish between faces, and most importantly serve beverages. -
In 2016 the female robot Sophia was activated. She was made by a Hong Konge based company. She is able to express more than 60 face expressions and she was the first ever robot to receive a citizenship. She is now an official citizen of Saudi Arabia.