Flag of thailand.svg


  • Alliance between Thailand and the U.S.

    When: They started an established a relationship in 1818 when they signed the Treaty of Amity and Commerce.
  • Trade with U.S. and Thailand

    When: The trade between U.S. and Thailand started in 1833 through the Treaty of Amity and Commerce.
  • Conflict between U.S. and Thailand

    When: November 27 2016
    Who: Benjamin Zawacki says that the reason the relationship between Thailand and the U.S.
  • Birth of Thailand

    When: Thailand became a country in 1238
    Who: Thailand was founded by King Taskin
  • The Birth of the U.S.

    Who: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington.
    Why: Britain made unreasonable taxes, the king made it that way after the French and Indian war.
    How: We signed the Declaration of Independence
    Where: Philidelphia