Thai history

  • 1200


    According to this theory, the language spoken in Southern China was Proto-Tai. This is the ancestor of all languages in the Tai language family. Proto-Thai integrated various Chinese and Vietnamese loanwords into its vocabulary, evolving into Proto-Southwestern Tai. In the 1200s, this language merged with the language of the Sukothai Kingdom, known as Old Khmer. The resulting language was known as Old Thai.
  • 1283


    Written Thai was introduced in 1283 by the third Sukothai period king, Ramkamhaeng. Modern-day Thai people are still able to read the original language from 100s of years ago because it hasn't seen many changes since its inception
  • 1300


    The ancient Thailand language used in the 1200 evolved over countless years into what we now refer to as the Thai language. Thai writing has mostly stayed the same since 1283, and the major changes between Old Thai and Modern Thai were vowel developments. The length of vowels in Modern Thai is phonemic, and a new ɤ was introduced . Not all sound changes occurred across all of Thailand, either. The Thai language developed into three major dialect groups: Northern, Central, and Southwestern Tai.